Chapter One: The Beginning.

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I'm moving. No, running actualy. Wait, I'm not running.. Who is? And how am I moving? Where am I? Why am I laying down? My whole body aches like thunder. What happened?

Thats when it all comes back. The beautiful face I thought I knew so well. The betrayel of one I could've sworn I loved. The gun.. More importantly the person holding the gun. My heart starts to ache.. Mom.. Wheres mom?!

"Mom?" I try to scream, but it comes out so.. Weak.

"Malorie? Malorie can you hear me? I'm going to help you. Just relax, everything will be alright." I cant quite make out the person, but the voice is deap. That of an older gantleman. I try to reply, but am rejected by a sharp pain in my upper abdomen. I barely feel the pinch of the needle before the morphine settles, and I'm out once again.


"When will she wake up?" I recognize this voice, I know it very well. He sounds overly worried and anxious. For what? I wonder. He's always looking out for me, the one person I need in a crisis.

"Zach?" I mean this to be an excited yell, but all I get is a raspy little whisper.

"Mal? Dear God you awake! I was so worried! I didn't know if you were ever going to.." I cut him off.

"Wheres Mom!" I say as loud as my crippled body could handle.

"Malorie just calm down. Your mother is fine. Now take your pain medicine." Said my doctor. I took my meds, like he ordered.

"Can I see her?" I try my hardest to cover up the worry in my voice, neither the doctor nor Zach reply. Thats when the doctor left. "Zach? What aren't you telling me? Where is my mother?"

"I'm sorry mal.." No..

"She's alive right? The doctors.. They saved her.. Right Zach? They had to! I mean.. Shes mom! Zach? Zach, help me undo these things. I have to go and.." I start to get out of these tubes and needles when he stops me short.

"She's gone Mal.. I'm so sorry.. They tried everything they could, but her internal bleeding.. It was too much for her little body to handle.." A tear threatens to penetrate my eye, I wipe it before it turns to sobs. "I'm so sorry. Just let it out Mal."

Let the crying commence! The tears keep on coming before I can stop then. Zach came and held me. I left tear stains on his shoulders. Thats when he came charging through the door. He was crying.. He was in a wheelchair.. What happened to him?

"Hey cutie, pretty crazy seeing you here, huh? I heard about your mom, I'm really sorry." I tried to reply but Zach beat me to it.

"Get outta here, Gabe. Before you upset her any more then she already is upset." Even beat up, he's still absolutely stunning. What did he do now?

"I'm not leaving unless she wants me to." Ofcourse, pinnin this all on me. "And I don't see how I could upset her anymore then you already have.."

That wasn't smart.. "Please don't start and argument! I just wake up and I find out my mother is dead and this is not helping! This is all too much." That was way louder then I intended, but they stopped.

Gabe spoke before Zach had a chance. "Mal, I'm really sorry. I tried to find him but.. He was too strong. I couldn't take him." Ofcourse, as stupid as he was this was among the stupidest things he's done. His dark brown hair was irrisistable, cutmid forehead, but he could make it work. Unlike most.

Then I found the bruises, cuts, and newly made scars. His nose, it was broken. "What'd you do, Gabe?" He just stared at me with those sad, deep blue eyes.

"What. Did. You. Do. ?"

"I tracked the Bastard down! He deserves to pay for what he did to you! No one should get away with something like that! Escpecially when it's to you they do it to!"

"Are you losing you marbles? He could've killed you! Just like he did my... What were you thinking?"

"I don't know. He's a crazy bastard and he hurt you! He almost killed you! you see that bandage? Thats from his gun.. You have no fucking idea how much you mean to me.. I thought I lost you." I put my hand on the bandage around my waist.

"Okay, I think thats enough. Later man, hope you feel better. I'll take it from here. She's fine." Classic Zach, taking control.

"When she tells me to leave, I'll leave. But that's all up to her." Gabe retorted.

"You should get some sleep Gabe." I say before they start srguing again. "I'll be perfectly fine, I promise. Don't worry, go get some sleep"

"Okay fine, I love you. Goodnight." He nodded in Zacks direction, winked at me, then left.

Thats was that.

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