Chapter 4

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"Come on Leo you got this. Dacryoadenitis, in my opinion it's easy" I gloated and he chuckled.

"Because you have the answer. Ah! I don't know it! I'm going to fail my test tomorrow" Leo complained.

"Fine it's the inflammation of a lacrimal glad. What's a lacrimal glad?" I asked.

"Ah! I should've known that one! It's a tear gland" he answered and I smiled and threw the flash cards in the air making him laugh.

"I didn't know being  a doctor could be so hard" I complained and he chuckled.

"Why do you need to know this if you are going to be an Obstetritian-Gyenocologist" I muttered as I sat down on the couch next to Leo.

"What do they even do?" I added.

"An Ob-Gyn delivers babies, and to be any doctor you have to study pretty much every medical term" he explained and I nodded.

"I had the privilege to do a few classes early so I'll be able to get my degree in a year or two" he added and I smiled and turned on the TV.

"Break time, we've been studying all day" I stated.

"You mean I've been studying all day" he corrected.

"Finally you can get something right" I joked and he playfully slapped my arm. I giggled.

"Only a small break" he said and I nodded. Then I got a call from my dad. I got up and walked to the kitchen and picked up the call.

"Hey dad, what's up?" I asked.

"Brianna woke up but stay where you are because only Q and Tiffanie are allowed to see her. I'll call you when you can come" dad answered and I smiled in relief. 

"Anything else?" I wondered and I heard him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"She's paralyzed from the waist down but the doctors say that there is a small possibility that she can recover" he responded.

"Okay" I said.

"Alright bye I love you" he stated.

"Love you too bye dad" I muttered and I ended the call. I went back to where Leo was watching Impractical Jokers.

"What was that about?" Leo asked.

"Nothing" I answered and he smirked. He obviously knew what it was about, I've been asking about her constantly after all. Once we watched 2 hours worth of Impractical Jokers we went back to studying.

"Nursemaid's elbow" I quizzed and he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Partial dislocation of the elbow. The radius slips out of the ligament that holds it in place at the elbow" Leo rehearsed.

"Common age and cause?"

"In children under 4 years of age. It may be due to an adult lifting or swinging the child by one hand and can also occur when an infant rolls over or falls."

"Treatment and future risks?"

"The child begins to cry immediately and holds the arm slightly bent at the elbow with the forearm against the abdomen. Treatment is for the physician to reduce the dislocation. Once a child has had nursemaid's elbow, it may reoccur."

"Good" I beamed as there was a knock on the apartment door.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Leo asked.

"No" I answered and I opened the door. Chandler.

"Hey" he said and Leo walked over.

"Can we talk? Is this a bad time?" he wondered.

"How about we never talk. Goodbye douche" I responded and I shut the door on his face making Leo laugh. We went back to the couch and continued studying.

"Hyperemesis gravidarum."

"Excess vomiting in pregnancy. This effects one in every 300 pregnant women, they typically lose %5 of their body weight!"

"You already had that memorized!"

"Of course I did!" he beamed and I giggled. 

"Last one, Secretary's Knee."

"The patellafemoral syndrome, the commonest cause of chronic knee pain." he informed and I smiled.

"I think you will do fine on your test tomorrow" I suggested and he sighed.

"That's not the issue" he muttered and I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"What is the issue?" I asked and he glanced at me and looked at his feet. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back. 

"You. Sierra, I have fallen in love with you. I can't get you off my mind" he answered.

"Don't let me distract you Leo, I'm no good and I'm definitely not worth it" I said and he looked at me and for the first time he showed me an emotion I never thought he would show me. Sadness. A tear was running down his cheek.

"You are so fucking worth it Sierra don't ever think different. I love you, everyone else loves you. You fill me with something I haven't felt in a long time, determination. I was so lousy when it came to school but something told me to be a doctor and next thing I knew I met you and I wanted to try" he announced. That made each one of my scars on my wrist sting, it made the fresh cut hidden by a band-aid sting. Here he is telling me how I'm worth it and professing his love for me but it's only going in one ear and out the other. I felt tears run down my cheeks.

"I need to go" I stated and I left my apartment. I went to the parking garage and got in my car. I drove to the apartment Jenna and Julia shared. I parked my car and knocked on the door. Jenna opened the door and invited me in.

"What's wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost!" she panicked.

"My friend loves me and I've been so caught up in my self to realize that I love him back. I feel so bad" I responded and Julia came out of the kitchen holding chips.

"Oh thank god" I said and I took the chips from her and stuffed my mouth.

"Stop stress eating! What's so wrong about that?" Jenna asked and more tears ran down my cheeks.

"You know how they say that you have to love yourself before someone else?" I stated and she nodded.

"I don't love myself" I informed and I bursted into tears.

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