Chapter 30

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December, 2008, Somewhere outside NYU

Liam looked at Chanty. “You’ve had too much to drink, Chanty.”

“I am faaayyyyyyne,” she uttered, her eyes drooping down.

He looked around for help but Angelica had already fallen asleep inside the tent Liam had set up for himself earlier. And Zach was inside one of the rooms in the cabin.

“You need to sleep,” he said.

“No, I am faayyyynnne,” she repeated.

“Come on, get up. There’s no more beer,” he lied when she tried to reach for the cooler. He grabbed her hand and pulled. She was not that drunk, but he still struggled with her. She was leaning against him as he walked her to the empty bedroom she was supposed to share with Angelica. “Careful, Chanty. You are not as light as you think.”

“Cameron thinks I am fat,” she said with a giggle.

“He’s an idiot,” he answered. They had now entered the dark room.

“Yes, he is, isn’t he?”

“Yes. I bet all my money on that.”

He eased her down on the bed.

“Liam,” she called when he straightened to full height before her in the bed.


“Will you kiss me?”

“What?” he asked incredulously.

“You’re drunk, Chanty. You better sleep.”

“I am not drunk. I am tipsy. I am just a few scores over sober. Kiss me.”

“No, I won’t.”


“Because I like you enough to respect you. You are not thinking straight.”

“Come on, just one kiss!”


“I wanna know if Cameron is not the only RIGHT kiss out there.”

“You wanna know if someone else can give you the RIGHT kiss?”

Chanty nodded.

When Liam didn’t say anything, Chanty stood up and said, “Well, then, maybe I should wake up Zach and find out--”

He did not let her finish. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her toward him, giving her the kiss she wanted.

Liam didn’t plan to go further than that, but to finally have Chanty in his arms, her hand pulling at his shirt and dragging him to bed was something no fool would ever back away from.

He might be taking advantage, but the way Chanty moved against him told him she knew what she was doing. And she was doing it right.

That night, he let go of all inhibitions. He’d take what he could even if it meant losing her the very next day. This could be his last chance, he thought. And he was taking it.


That night, Chanty couldn’t sleep.

She wanted to give Angelica a ring, but she didn’t want to bother anyone.

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