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im done with the hell hole named "school" and that's the reason i couldn't update *wink*

i see corbyn's eyes turn dark, i couldn't even look up.

"r-really..." he whispered.

"corbyn, i don't want to be your girlfriend, i want to be your wife loser." everyone looked up and let out a breath. all the boys gathered around me and punched me "lightly".

"karrington, i was gonna cry. i'm not even joking." he laughs. that laugh is my everything, i reminisce on all my favorites memories with these boys. they really don't know how much they mean to me. I watch corbyn walk up to me and give me bone-crushing hug.

"that's a yes right?" he whispers into my ear. "yes, dumbass" i wink. we let go and corbyn leans in.

oh shit, i forgot about this step.

he's so close , i can feel his breath on my lips. he gently places his lips on mines, he kisses me like it's the last time he will. this  makes the butterflies in my stomach turn into some elephants that are running around. his hands around my waist tighten and pulls me closer.

"get a damn room, ya nasties!" zach and dylan yell. we immediately pull away, i look up to see the guys laughing. i take off my heels and chase after them. we run around in circles until we were all out of breath.

"fight me, hoe." i huff at them. dylan walks up and puts his arms in a flexing position. "you don't want these hands." he glares.

"ok, can we get out of here?" corbyn interrupts. i'm very much shook that i can call him my boyfriend. look mom, i'm not single anymore! she would be so proud, I used to not leave the house at all, my mom would have to beg me to go out.

i walk side by side with corbyn, i was too busy looking at the beautiful view that i didn't notice he wrapped his hand across my waist.

this feels so weird but so right.

"can we take these off, we're dying." jack points to the tuxedos. we laugh and nod a 'yes' in reply. they all stop to the side and hurry to take the suit jacket off. 

"hurry up losers!" i yell at them. "kari, you don't want beef with us!" jonah yells back.

"all you guys do is try to fight." corbyn face-palms himself.

"it's because there to scared to catch these hands." i flex on them.

"baby, put them guns down before someone get hurts." corbyn pushes my arms down. i huff, wait what. he just called me baby. i'm squealing in my head! i really need to stop getting so excited.

"where shall we go , m'ladies?" corbyn walls up to the limo. "excuse me bitch, we're men!" dylan huffs.

"I'm tired of l.a, why don't we go somewhere new." i suggest, "also, pun intended." i laugh.

"yea, let's book flights somewhere please." jonah whines. we all agree, but the real question where. "let's buy a map and darts and wherever it lands, we're going." zach shrugs his shoulder.

"yea, lets go!" i yell.


after an hour of goofing around at the store, we got darts and a huge world map. we head to the boys place and set the map up on a empty wall. 'ok, who's gonna have the honor to choose where we land boys?" jack asks.

"this isn't fortnite stupid hotdog." dylan smacked him in the back of the neck.
"i want to!" i shout. i swear if we land anywhere near the u.s, i will cry. "ok, aim right please. stay away from the trump area." corbyn wraps a blindfold across my eyes.

i wrap my finger around the dart, and just throw. i pull the blindfold off so fast. we all open our eyes to see the dart almost directly on Fiji. i scream in excitement, i can swim with the fishies.

"let's go bitches!" dylan yells.

"book your damn flights for next week.". i dance around the living room. "dylan!" i shout.

"yes ma'am." he salutes towards me. "shopping time boy!" i squeal. he dashes out the door while yelling "let's go dumbo looking ass." i hate him.

"bye boys!" i yell and gave each of the four idiotic boys a hug. i walk to corbyn and whisper "adios boyfriend." his mouth grew into a smile and i give him a very passionate hug.

i run outside to see dylan dancing to no music, like deeply jamming out. i'm siblings with a stupid boy.

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