[5] Avoiding Another Incident

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Turns out, I'm early.

I roll up into the school parking lot at 7:23. I have more than 45 minutes to kill, so I'll have to find something to do.

I didn't actually think I was going to be late when I said that to my mom, I just had to get out of there. I had to escape that arrogant angry boy that, for all I know, could be a drug dealer.

So I unsuccessfully came up with something to use as a reason to escape his death glare. Whether or not my excuse helped to my advantage or not, I don't know. All I know is that my mother dragging me outside ended up being the perfect escape plan.

And I didn't even have to explain to my mom the real reason I was so eager to leave, that involved a mysterious dark-haired boy that could be potentially dangerous!

I call that a win.

So, as soon as my mom took those photos of me, (after discovering that she had been taking a video on accident instead of pictures for a while and that those glasses she couldn't find had been on her head the whole time) I hurried out of there as quickly as possible to get in my car to drive.

So yeah, I'm here pretty early, even for me.

It's not exactly ideal, but I'd rather be early than late, and sometimes spending some time alone in the car before school can help mentally prepare one for the day ahead of them. Lord knows I could use that.

A knock on my car window startles me and I jump in my seat, a weird shriek-like noise bubbling from my mouth without my intent.

I inhale a gulp of air through my mouth, clutching my chest. I look up to see a brunette with a wide grin on her face. I exhale.

"Maggie!" I shout through the window angrily. I hastily grab my backpack from the passenger's seat and open the car door to Maggie, who is laughing hysterically at me.

As I shrug on my backpack, I shove her playfully and insist, "It's not funny!"

She snorts. "Yeah it is," she states in between loud cackles.

"You legitimately scared me!"

"I know!" she snorts even louder and starts cracking up, eventually emphasizing, "that's what's so funny," then falling into a fit of laughter that requires her to wipe tears from her eyes.

As she recovers, taking deep breaths of air, I click the lock button for my car doors and start walking away toward the school.

"Wait!" she scrambles to catch up to me. "Wait for me!" When she reaches me, she's panting.

"God I am out of shape" she moans, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow.

"No, you're not," I assure my friend with confidence. I turn toward her with a smile, "You're just short."

She gasps and shoves me, "Hey!" she reprimands me.

"Ow, that hurt," I admit with a whimper, clutching my shoulder and rubbing it to soothe the pain.

"Good," Maggie agrees, "It was supposed to. Also, I'll have you know that 5'2 is a perfectly average height for non-giant people like me."

Now I'm the one snickering.

"Giant people?" I inquire with a laugh.

She crosses her arms. "Yeah. Like you," she elaborates, gesturing widely to indicate my 5'10 frame.

After pausing suddenly, her eyebrows become furrowed at me as she scrutinizes my appearance, looking me up and down, assessing my features.

"Hmmm," she debates something in her head while stroking her chin. "Well... actually..." she continues, concluding, "I'd say you're more of a slenderman with those legs of yours."

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