[25] Shut Up & Let Me Kiss You

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I tsk and wave a finger at Jack as I cock my head to the side. "...Except maybe for your fragile mascilin-"

And I'm interrupted by Jack's tantalizing lips crashing into mine, kissing me with a hunger that is enough to make me throw my pride out the window. I try my erm... hardest to resist, but unabashedly give in when our tongues slide against each other, making me groan and hook my feet around Jack's ankles to press our bodies together even more -if that's even possible- at a new angle.

Apparently, this was not a smart move.


Now, you may be wondering, why was this not a smart move?


His hands immediately grab my thighs, turning us around and lifting me up so he can wrap my legs around his waist. He squeezes with his hands grasping onto the thickest part of my thighs, urging me to intensify the position of my legs hooked around him.

And I do. And the sensation I feel from it almost distracts me from the anger I should be feeling at the fact that our roles are reversed- again.

He has too much control and the way I can feel him- the way I'm pressed up against him- right now is bringing me so close to the edge that I know I have to stop this. It's too much. 

But it's so hard to stop.

When I first try to disconnect our mouths, his teeth clamp down and he tries to pull me back to his lips. Then he has the audacity to bite down on my lower lip in protest when I try to move away! He does it hard enough that it makes me gasp while he lets out a noise that strongly resembles the type of growl my dog makes when you stop petting him. 

It wasn't hard enough to puncture my lip and make it bleed or anything, but it still hurt!

Now I'm kind of pissed off because... hello?! Boundaries?! 

But I'm mostly frustrated at how this 'punishment' is actually a turn on for me. 

Of course, I give in to his demands for a second longer, okay- it might've been more than a second. 

It's hard to resist the plump, luscious yumminess that is Jack's lips. I do get distracted by the sensation of his skin on my skin, his lips on my lips, his hips on my hips. Before I go all Doctor Seuss and start rhyming about my sexual (... I think this is sexual?) encounters, I mentally slap myself. 

Bad Spencer! 

I remind myself that I shouldn't get lost in the moment because I've got a feeling I won't have this type of advantage over Jack very often and this is the perfect opportunity to ask my question. After arguing with my horny teenage brain, the logical part of me- the one that's able to actually string together coherent thoughts into words- wins. I have to stop this before it's too late and I'm the one losing control.

With my second attempt, I succeed and I'm about to congratulate myself when Jack decides its a good time to lower his mouth to my neck.

My urgent question now seems significantly less urgent as he viscously attacks the extra-sensitive skin on my neck and collarbone. He has probably given me several hickeys but at this point, I couldn't care less.

The position must be awkward for Jack; craning his neck to reach mine while I'm glued to him like a clingy koala bear. But he seems desperate to have me moaning his name... and he definitely succeeds- in record-breaking time- probably less than thirty seconds. 

Having achieved his goal, Jack attempts to return to my lips but he's halted to stop by my hand; the only thing between his lips and my last bit of dignity. The only thing preventing those lips from taking my last bit of dignity.

He looks at me like I'm crazy for stopping him. In all due respect, I probably am. But that's beside the point. I have to know. It takes me a moment to gather up the courage to ask him.

I get straight to the point, "What was it you were going to say earlier?"

"Why does it matter?"

Ugh! "Because."

He rolls his eyes.

It would annoy me if he wasn't so hot.

My facial expression hardens with defiance. "If-

"If ..." Jack interrupts me, leaning in close,

"-I tell you,"
he continues and my hand's still blocking his face, but I can feel his lips curl into a smirk as he presses the length of my back up against the wall, 

"...will you shut up and let me kiss you?"

My legs automatically tighten around him and it's hard not to show how turned on I am by his proposal. Despite my...erm... tight boxers, I decide that feigning control over the situation is more fun so I keep my hand up in its place.

"Yes," I manage to squeak out.

My response elicits an extremely smug look from Jack. His confidence is definitely back.

At least,

for point two seconds.

Apparently, he didn't think this far ahead. He gulps, almost looking like he was taken off guard. "Okay, then. I'll tell you what I said."

His voice seems nervous; my interest is piqued. I remove my hand from its place and I'm thoroughly surprised to see Jack Summers blushing.

The rosy tint to his cheeks is adorable, but I am slightly concerned. I mean, if something he said is really that embarrassing that he, the definition of cool and confident, would blush.

He buries his face into the crook of my shoulder when he notices me staring at his blush. He takes a few deep breaths, almost like he's trying to calm himself. He's so embarassed! I'm thouroughly shocked and confused. He places a trail of soft kisses up the length of my neck, all the way up to my ear, where he whispers,

"You have to know the things I'd do to you."


AN: I don't have much time to talk, I really just cranked this out fast but I promise it will be edited at some point lol.

So... what type of things should/could Jack do to Spencer??

Have a great Wednesday y'all! Hope you're happy with this early update:-)




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