How It Works

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Hello, and welcome to the 1D Bromance Awards!

Here's how it works:

There is a seperate chapter for each different category. In each chapter, you will find listed the stories that are currenty still in the competition. Each will show the story name, author name, link, and description.

Voting is done using the comments on each chapter. You can vote for however many stories in that category you're allowed to vote for during that session. The number of votes allowed for that session will be written at the beginning of each chapter for your convenience.

At the end of the session, I will be counting the votes for each story and the story/stories with the least votes will be removed from the awards. I will add a results chapter at the end of each session which will hold all the stories that were removed from the awards at the end of the previous session.

You may not vote for the same story mutliple times in a single voting session. You are allowed to place a vote for your own story.

Happy voting, and good luck in the 1D Bromance Awards! If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me.

1D Bromance Awards (Summer 2012)Where stories live. Discover now