2nd Place Stories

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Below are all stories that have earned second place in the awards. Congratulations!

Larry Stories:

The Captive by paintingtheworldgray

Niam Stories:

Don't Look Back by LysiLuv

Zouis Stories:

Growing Hopes by LovelyAshleyJ

Ziall Stories:

I'll protect you by LarryAndZiall

Larry One Shots:

Sign Language Love by paintingtheworldgray

Lirry One Shots:

Je t'aime by KeeperOfTheKeys

One Shots:

Strike A Pose by LysiLuv

Narry Stories:

Turning Hate Into Love by MrsNHoran

Lirry Stories:

I Dare You to Love Me by HahFunny

Jiall Stories:

Starstruck by 1DBromancin

Nosh Stories:

I'm On Your Side by NashvillexLifex

Lilo Stories:

Call Me Maybe? by NiamRules123

Ziam Stories:

Fashion My Love by JustineTime

Multiple Bromances:

Moments by NiamRules123

Nouis Stories:

One VERY Awkward Morning by StarFar

Zarry Stories:

Save me by Louisorgasmicvoice

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