"Hey, what is it like to have an idol?"
("喂, 有一个爱豆是什么感觉?")
"What is it like to have an idol? Are you saying Karry? (I mean I like all three of them, but Karry is the best.)"
("有一个爱豆是啥感觉? 你在说凯哥吗? (他们三小只我都喜欢, 但是最喜欢凯哥.)
"Umm....It feels........I don't really know how to say it.....It's like when you look at his picture, listens to his voice, even hear his name, your heart beats faster........It's kink of like have a crush on someone you can never reach."
(呃.......我不知道怎么说.....当你看到他的照片, 听到他的声音, 甚至连听到他的名字心跳都会加快........就像暗恋一个你永远都触及不到的人.")
说道这里雪狐笑了一下, 继续说道,
"You look up to him, trying to copy everything he does. When ever you do something you think about him. You smile without you even knowing, when you think about him. But he is also your weakness, when he gets hurt, maybe even in a drama, you know it's fake, but your heart just hurt like someone stabbed it."
("你会去仰望他, 去做他一些不经意的小动作(凯哥舔嘴唇). 不管你做什么你都会想到他. 每当你想到他的时候, 嘴角都会不自觉地上扬. 但是他也是你的弱点, 就算是在电视剧里他受伤了,你明明知道是假的, 可是你的心就像被捅了一刀一样生疼生疼的.")

Fanfiction读者君上, 大家都知道, 落雪是一颗四叶草,一直都有一些话想对他们说. 阁下相信这些话有很多四叶草,小汤圆,小螃蟹,千纸鹤都想对他们说. 落雪呈上