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(Sam's POV)
My twin brother Scott and I were working out for lacrosse tryouts tomorrow when we heard a sound outside. "Did you hear that Scott " I asked "Yeah, lets go check it out" He said. So Scott grabbed mum's baseball bat and we went outside to see what it was, when we got outside we heard the noise again but much closer, the next thing you know we see our best friend Stiles falling from the roof but got caught on a vine hanging upside down. "AHHH" We all screamed. "Stiles what the hell are you doing" Scott and I asked, "What am I doing, what are you doing, never mind that you and Sam weren't answering your phones, listen anyway my dad got a call about 20 minutes ago, two joggers found a body in the woods" Stiles said "A dead body?"Scott questioned "No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body" Stiles said as he was untangling himself from the vines. "We're going" he said to us "Why would we go find a body if they already found it" I said
"That's the best part they only found half, we're going" Stiles said "Okay just give Sam five minutes to get better clothes on, she is not going out like that" Scott said, I looked down at my clothes I was only wearing a pair of shorts and Scott's lacrosse jersey.
"Yeah, I'm going to go change" I said, I ran upstairs put on a pair of pants and my nikes and kept the lacrosse jersey on and ran back downstairs and hoped into Stiles's jeep.
We were headed to the reserve, when we got their we got out of the jeep and started searching.We started to climb a hill when Scott started to breath heavy, so me being a good sister I was went to help him. "Maybe the one with severe athsma should be holding the flashlight" Scott said while taking out his inhaler. "Here you can have mine" I said while handing it to him "Thanks" Scott said and I just smiled at him.We were walking up the hill when Stiles jump to the floor and dragging me with him, then Scott came down beside us to see what was happening. Stiles started to run with me and Scott behind him when all of sudden he fell to the ground screaming. So me and Scott hid behind a tree, when I check it was the Sheriff and the other officers. "Hold on sec this ones mine, Stiles what are you doing here" asked Sheriff Stilinski, "Hi dad, what am I doing here, what are you doing here" Stiles said, "You listened into my phone call again didn't you" sheriff asked, "Yeah" Stiles said, "Where are you partners in crime" sheriff asked stiles, "Who Scott and Sam they're at home they wanted to sleep for lacrosse tryouts tomorrow" Stiles said
"SAM, SCOTT, SAM,SCOTT, are you there" sheriff shouted, "Your coming with me young man" sheriff told stiles. When the Sheriff was dragging Stiles to his jeep me and Scott started to walk through the reserve to get home when all of a sudden we heard a noise. When we turned around we were trampled by a heard of deer and Scott lost his inhaler. "Great going Scott your going have to ask mum for a new one" I said as I was taking out my phone, I turned my flashlight on and started to looked around for it but I couldn't find it, but when I turned to the left I got a glimpse of the the other half of the body. "AHHH" I screamed, Scott heard my scream and came running, but when he saw the body he fell backwards and took me down with him. When we got up we heard growling from behind us so we turned around and there was this monster/wolf looking thing. We started to run when we got dragged down, it tried to pull Scott away from me but I kicked it on the nose, it pulled us down and bit Scott on the ribs and got me on the shoulder, I got it off us bit not without some difficulty, but we got up and ran through the reserve and came to the road, next thing you know a car came speeding down the road and almost hit us. We ran back home and got some bandages. "Sit down, let me wrap us up before we go to bed" I said to Scott.I cleaned out his bite and wrapped him up before telling him to go bed. "You don't have to treat my like a child" Scott said to me as I finished wrapping him up, "Well I'm older then you I'm allowed to treat you as a child,your my little brother". "Hey your only 10 minutes older ok" he said, " I'm still older, ok, your all finished, go to bed ok" I said to him, "I am, Goodnight Sam and thank you" Scott said and went to his room, but before he could close his door I said "Goodnight Scott" and started to clean out my bite and wrapped myself up, I changed into a pair of shorts and left Scott's lacrosse jersey on before going to bed, I got into bed and started to close my eyes, but right before I fall asleep I hear a howl coming from the woods. "Great we got bit by a wolf, hope we don't become werewolves" I whispered to myself before falling into a deep sleep.

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