Back Together Again!

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All the girls happily walked to the Cafeteria with their girlfriends hand in hand.

The happiness in their faces are just.. priceless.

"Oh Jackie.. how i've missed you.." Rarity said as she clinged on AJ's arm.

"How did you get back here anyway?" Twilight asked, the three exchanged looks.


Lord Solaris: You three disobeyed my rules! You shall be punished.

Applejack: Wait, no! Please! We'll do anything to get back with our girlfriends!

Pinkie: Yeah! Just please don't punish us!

Lord Solaris: Are you sure you want to do anything for your.. girlfriends?

Applejack: Yes, Lord Solaris..

Lord Solaris: Well then.. I will take your abilities, you will be normal peoples!.. but.. there's one problem.

Pinkie: What is it, Solaris Sir?

Lord Solaris: At your third day on that world.. you will become the opposite gender. Name's change and appearance.

Fluttershy: What's so bad about that?.. i mean, if you mind telling us..

Lord Solaris: well.. you will lose your memory..

AJ, FS, PP: WHAT!?!?

Lord Solaris: Are you ready to go back to your girlfriends?

AJ,FS,PP: Yes, Lord Solaris. *gulp*


"So.. that's how.. but what about the memory loss??" Rainbow said.

Everyone gulped..

New Selves (RARIJACK, FLUTTERDASH, TWIPIE)Where stories live. Discover now