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(Author update-- not actual chapter)
Hey guys, I know I've been slacking off on writing these chapters but I've had alot on my plate, I wasn't going to go into ALOT of detail but I think you deserve to know as most of you have been loyal to reading my chapters and stories, first off my girlfriend is pregnant and we stopped seeing each other when I found out...Yes, I'm an a**hole, Second of all I've only recently started speaking to her again
(Yes, I broke up with her because she was pregnant but we're all gucci again) we've been going out shopping and such for the baby and this is very important to me.
And lastly- I've had to move out and into my girlfriend's place because my mum hates her and doesn't want me to see her as long as I live under her roof, so anyway moving out and moving in is a hard thing to do when you're 15, lol. (Story of my life)

Anyway, as i was saying, I'll be writing loads of more chapters when I can but obviously Tonia is my number one priority at the minute.
Anyway, thanks for reading-if any of you have- I'll be posting frequently like I used to.


Fiery Flakes  *(MEIHEM SHIP/ Junkmei)*Where stories live. Discover now