Chapter 29

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Trina POV

When I walked in the house, i noticed it was quiet. Too muhfuckin quiet. I took off my shoes and threw the keys on the counter. I quietly creeped up the stairs and into my room. Brenton was laying on the bed sleep. I threw my purse on the bed and took my jacket off. I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I sighed. Was I really ready to be a mother? I only had mine for 12 years. All the more reason for me to want to be there for my child. IF Im having a child at all. I looked in the cabinet at the box of pregnancy tests. I took one out and did my thing. 5 minutes later I picked it up. My eyes were shut tight. Here we go Trina. This is the moment. I thought. I opened my eyes and looked at the pregnancy test.


I could hear Brenton quickly shuffling out the bed.

Brenton POV

Trina: Im pregnant.

I jus stared at her. At first i thought this was a dream. Then i thought i aint hear her right.

Me: What you jus say?

I jus smiled. She got up and jumped in my arms screaming.  
Ty'Anna POV 
We had just got back and Derrick kept kissing all over me while I was unlocking the door.
Me: Derrick stop im tryna unlock the door😂
Derrick: Hurry up babyy
I unlocked the door and ran up the steps locking him out the room.
Derrick: Bae quit playin and open the door
Me: Nope
Derrick: ight you only makin it worse fo yoself. Have yo ass walkin like a new born giraffe.
I opened the door and Derrick was gone so I turned around and felt my shirt get yanked back
Me: Derrick let me go quit playin!

........."this aint Derrick baby."

Derrick POV
Ty'Anna kept playin so I went in my man cave in the basement. I picked up my lighter and was about to light my weed until I heard Ty'Anna scream. I pulled my strap out and made sure it was loaded before running upstairs.
I heard the back door slam so I ran faster than I ever have before.  Spotting a man with a mask shove her into a van, I shot him in both his legs twice, except I didnt realize there was someone else driving the car. The van sped off and I hopped in my car trying to chase it down.
Me:im coming baby. Dont worry
I sped after the Van,  coming side by side to it. I tried to shoot the tire but it started to crash into the side of my rolls royce. Almost getting pushed off the rode, I stomped on the gas before the car could flip. I watched as the car sped away as my chest heaved up and down.
I punched the steering wheel putting my head down in shame. I let a few tears slip out cus I felt like I failed Ty'Anna and everyone associated or connected with her .  Im most definitely gone get my baby back, and thats fa sho.

Twan POV

Me: What the fuck you mean kidnapped?
Derrick: Look I know thats yo twin sister but lower yo voice my nigga I got enough stress of my own and yea I know I fucked up big time but just listen so we can get my fuckin girl back bro.
Twan: Man ight whats the plan nigga. Dont tell me you came in this bitch telling me my twin missing and aint got a plan.

I stayed silent for a moment, thinking about my baby. I let her get kidnapped and I promised to keep her safe. I broke a promise. I don't deserve her at all.

Me: This shit was all my damn real I have a plan

                     TO BE CONTINUED.....

This chapter was very short and a little boring to me but I got some good stuff coming so just bare with me bet? 😌❤️ -maddie

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