Chapter 28

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Michael POV

Dad: Im so disappointed in you.
Me: It ain my fault d—

I sighed and sat on the couch with my face in my hands. He been breathing down my neck ever since he found out my ex started fuckin wit his enemy. He want me to kill em. Ion have a problem wit killin em. Its jus the consequences dat might follow.

Me: Ima get em—
Dad: Next time?? Sure.

My dad was known for killing people and sellin drugs. He had the whole city shook. People knew not to fuck wit us. Especially him.

Me: Wat he even do to make u hate him so much??
Dad: When we was young cats out on nem streets, he ain have nobody. His Daddy was a alcoholic. Moms was always workin her ass off, and he was always out ona corner. I showed dat mf how to get a bag, i let dat muhfucka make money wit me. He was ma boy. Even though he was like 6 or 7 and i was 15 or 16. I looked out for him. But he played me. I was the one who ruled over the game. But he took over and He hustled me. I wanted to kill him ever since. I was the one dat got his pops locked up.

I jus stared at him as he told his story. All i could think was.....Damn. Dat was some deep shit. Ian even know allat.

Me: Well damn.
Dad: Now u see why i be tellin yo ass to leave muhfuckas alone?? Its coo to have friends. But sooner or later, that "friend" gon fuck you over, or stab yo ass ina back.

My pops might be annoying and hard on me. But he fasho knew wat da hell he was talkin bout. I might not like his ass, but he do be givin me sum a da best advice he can.

Dad: Oh yeaa. He gon pay for doin me dirty all dem years ago. Him and his lil bitch Ty'Anna dat tried to kill me. I got sum for both they asses. Cuz Mercedes dont fuck around....
Ty'Anna POV

Me and Trina were by the dresses while Alexis was in the mens section lookin for sum clothes for Matt.

Trina: Soooo??
Me: What??
Trina: How things been since Thanksgiving??
Me: Its been alright. Seem like me and Derrick gettin closer everyday.
Trina: Das good sissss im happy fah you.
Me: Wassup wit u an Brenton doe??? U ain been callin me up talkin bout a argument yall done had lately.....
Trina: Actually, everything been good. We ain even been arguing—-
Me: Well yea das great, cuz i wouldnt wanna have to fuck him up—
Trina: Cuz im tranna get pregnant.....

I jus stared at her. First Alexis, now her?? Everybody finna have kids.....then there's me and Derrick. He told me he didnt mind havin kids, but ion wanna rush into shit. Its been only what....4 months now??? Besides, i know he ain ready like he say he is.

Me: You serious?!?
Trina: Yess! You gon be a Auntieeee
Me: Awwee.
Trina: I knowww we been planning and planning seem like all week. But listen doe.... HE CAME TO ME and said he was ready. I ain even say nothin bout it!! Now thats a real man!
Me: Yall is so cute.
Trina: Gon be you and Derrick some day..... Jussssst wait.
Alexis: I give it 2 more weeks. Yall always fucking.

I turned around to see Alexis behind us, holding a pair of Jeans, Sweats, and 3 shirts.

Me: Girl, Who asked you!!

We all laughed as I continued to look for a cute outfit to wear tonight. Me and Derrick were going out tonight. I found a knee length pink fitted dress and went to go try it on. When i came out, Alexis stared in awe. Trina turned around and arched her eyebrow.

Trina: Mm what u gettin all cute for??
Me: Its date night.
Alexis: Awwwee yall be havin date nights.
Me: Yea dont yall??
Trina: If u mean fucking and smoking all night then yea, we do.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Me and Derrick have done that. Too many times to count. I bought the dress and sum brown fringe boots, wit a matching brown leather jacket. After Alexis and Trina bought their stuff, we went on to get our hair and nails done. As we sat in the chairs Alexis looked at me and Trina.

Alexis: What yall think i should name my baby?
Trina: Oooohh name her Keyona
Alexis: Yea thats cute.
Me: Or Keon
Alexis: Yeaaa that is to for a boy.
Trina: My baby name gon be Trey. Or Lani. Or Jessica. Or—
Me: Howww about get pregnant first??
Trina: Shut the hell up

Me and Alexis laughed as Trina rolled her eyes.
Alexis got yellow glittery nails that were a little short. Trina got sum long ass light blue nails wit designs on her thumb nails. And i got pink coffin nails wit diamonds on my ring fingers and thumb nails. After we got our hair done we went back to my house where Matt was waiting to pick up Alexis. She told me that he planned a dinner tonight for her to meet his parents. After me and Trina said our goodbyes, me and Trina jus chilled in the house. Trina started rollin up a blunt while i ate cookies.

Trina: T?
Me: Yea?
Trina: U uhm. U think i would be a good mother??

I turned to look at her. What made her ask me that? She looked scared and worried.

Me: Yea Trina, why—
Trina: Cuz I know i wasnt always the older sister and good role model that i was supposed to be when we was on our own.

I walked over to her as tears started to well up in her eyes.

Me: Trina u gon be a good mother. I promise. Yo baby is gonna love you. Yo baby gon be beautiful, smart, and a smart ass jus like her momma.

We laughed as she wiped away her tears and pulled me into a hug.

Trina: Thanks sis.
Me: Anytime. Now roll up that blunt so i can hit it before Derrick pull up.

Trina laughed as she continued to roll it up. We laughed and talked and smoked up the blunt til it was gone. Trina got up and put on her jacket as Brenton pulled up in the driveway. After she left, i went upstairs to change my clothes. I put on the outfit i bought from the mall and did my edges. I put on my earrings as i walked downstairs. I heard the doorknob turning from the key. I sat my purse on the couch as Derrick walked in. He looked at me and smiled.

Derrick: Hey babygirl.
Me: Hey.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheek.

Derrick: Finna go throw sum else on then we can go.

I nodded and sat on the couch. 10 minutes later, Derrick came downstairs fully dressed. We got in the car and he sped off.

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