Staying the Night

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Last chapter flashback:

"While i waited with anticipation i stocked some cigarettes. I was practicing what i would say to him over and over in my head so i wouldn't miss a beat. When i turned around to grab the Marlboro red 72's i was frightened at what i saw! "

I let out a little scream as i saw Damien at the counter just a couple feet away. "You scared me, sorry" i said still trying to catch me breath. "I didn't think you would come anyways" He said with a look i couldn't exactly make out? "Listen, I, I didn't come because i don't know you very well and i was skeptical to go but maybe when i get off , if you'd like we can go for breakfast?" i said trying really hard not to hurt his feelings and maybe we can get to know eachother! I don't really get out much anyways, it might be good for me! I instantaneously saw his face light up with joy "I would very much like that. Where would you like to go?" I didn't exactly go out for breakfast with anyone before other than family so i had no clue. All i said was "Surprise me!" He smiled a toothy smile that could light up the world.

"I laid out your usual towels and cigar." i said pointing towards the counter to the left and reaching for them. He put his hand on them and said "No need for them tonight ma'am" ??! is what my face looked like. he usually buys them every night, like every night! Did he just call me ma'am? Do i look that old? I wanted to know why he showed up tonight then, but that would be very rude.

I was dumbstruck. I didn't know what to say after that, the only thing that could come out was "Hows your night going so far?" Facepalm! How stupid of a question to ask. " Fine and yourself?" "Good" i said a little too obvious that i was nervous. Finally i spoke up and said " Would you like me to help you find something Damien?" "No, I'm fine but thank you anyways, may i look around the store for a bit?" "By all means, your a customer but are you gonna be a while?" He looked at me as if questioning what i meant. Maybe i offended him! Oh no! "I meant that i have to clean the store and stuff and if its only gonna take you a second then ill stay behind the counter to check you out." He smiled and raised his eyebrow. "No, i meant that if it doesn't take you long to get your items than ill stay here so you can pay!" he kept that sarcastic look on his face and continued to look around the store as we made small conversation.

By the end of my shift Damien was still here and i knew a lot about him. He grew up in Oklahoma where he was also born and his family still lives there, I never asked but I'm guessing he's all alone down here. He has One brother named Jon and one sister named Jordan and he told me that his sister was adopted when she was 3 years old. He decided to move down here because he had a job in Oklahoma that transferred him down here. He said that his sister and brother often come and visit including his parents. He also said after we get to know each other that he would introduce me.

We have a lot of common interests, like we both love animals. I love all animals but he says he prefers dogs rather than cats. Beaches is another common interest. He's been to a ton of beaches and I've been to zero!

"Do you need to go home and change before breakfast?" Damien said with as much energy as he had when he came at 2:30 am. "Yes, i'll go home and change first. I'll give you my address and after i change we can go." "ok" he said as i was handing him my address and phone number on a cut out from my magazine. Its about 6:34 am and i told him i'd be ready by at least 7:30 or so. Our good bye was kind if weird though cuz i didn't know wether to hug or shake hands with him! He bowed ad said " Farewell Nichole, i shall see you at around 7:30 am then?" " Yes, bye!" My grandma showed up right on cue and took me home. I had to get ready and i was very excited about going. I was so excited that i actually told my grandma on the way home! She told me good luck and to keep my mase just in case. She was very happy for me.

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