Dinner Invite

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It looked like he was hesitant to ask and trying to spit words out and failed. He got out a pen and paper from his hideaway pocket in his shirt and started writing as he was walking out.

As the night went on i was getting aggravated at how much i wanted to know what he was gonna say. DING! I jumped out of my own thoughts to go toward the drive-thru to tend to the customer. As i got closer to the window i noticed nobody was there? But there was a note. it read,

" Nichole, i do apologize for not saying this in person but i hadn't the courage to say aloud. I would like to take you for a bite to eat? if you would join me at my house for supper tomorrow? say... 6:00 p.m?

Sincerely, Damien Wills"

OMG! was all that was running through my mind. Why couldn't he ask me in person? I don't know if i should, i mean i barely know him and i just found out his name! I will keep it in mind for his sake.

That morning as i was getting off work at 6:00 a.m, i walked outside to wait for my ride home. The morning was arriving faster than i expected. I sat and watched the sunrise, It was a beautiful mixture of soft orange and yellow accents that seemed to bring the sky and earth alive. The sun got closer and the store got packed as i awaited for my grandmother to arrive. I got a few "hello's" from regular customers and then i finally see my grandma.

"Hey grandma!" enthusiastically said. "Morning ashley, long night at work?" she said with less enthusiasm than expected. All that was running through my head at the time was the dinner invitation. Of course i couldn't tell that to my grandmother! that would be insane! i already know what she would say. "Nichole its not safe for you to be going to somebody's house unless you know them well enough, especially a boy." So all i said was "Very long night".

She dropped me off at my apartment and waited for me to get inside. As i was walking up to unlock the door i was very careful of the crack in the sidewalk that made me late in the first place. I shut the door and heard her drive off. I plopped on the couch ready to get some sleep because i had yet another long night ahead of me.

Freshly showered, shaved and dressed for bed i hopped on my bed and drifted slowly asleep all the while thinking about the infamous Damien and his dinner invite.

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