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Yoongi's PoV

Namjoon left me after dragging me towards the buffet, that little shit.

I felt a presence behind me, causing me to turn around only to face the man I'm forced to marry.

"Uhm, so.. Min Yoongi.. I-I know we hadn't really met properly..."

'Fuck, he's cute.'

I nodded, slowly getting what he meant.

"You want us to start over?" I finished for him.

He looked up at me and nodded.

I can feel my heartbeat rising.


Those mesmerizing brown eyes that hold so much innocence. Those pink plump lips that I want to taste. That innocent look that I want to ruin-


What the hell am I thinking?

I shook of my thoughts, trying to get a hold of my emotions.

I let out my hand for him to shake.

"Min Yoongi, first prince of Melonia."

He smiled as he shook my hand.

So soft...

"J-Jung Hoseok, only prince of Haneah."


I nodded as he let go of my hands.

"E-Excuse me for a moment.."


I left him as I hid behind a pillar, clutching my heart that was about to leap of my chest. I only noticed it now, my cheeks were hot as I began to sweat alot.

'What the heck is that kid doing to me?'

"Uhmm.. E-Excuse me?" I heard a very familiar voice.

I whipped my head towards my right, my eyes widen to see my ex-boyfriend standing right infront of me.

"P-Park Jimin?"

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