•Chapter 7•

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I fell out of my bed when I heard music playing from my alarm at 7:00am. It didn't take long to remember why I had set an alarm. I had a date. With Logan. I had already taken a shower the night before, but I still had no idea what I was going to wear. It was just starting to get hot outside, so maybe a tank-top? I groaned and threw the tank-top down. It was too plain. I threw clothes everywhere, eventually making a massive pile of clothes-I-never-wear-but-I-bother-to-keep.

I would wear a band tee shirt, but I had no idea whatsoever what kind of music this guy was into. I wasn't risking anything with that. There was a zero percent chance he actually liked the boyband that I was obsessed with. Distant Melody.

I fell on my bed, the springs squeaking underneath me. I had never had this much of a problem with getting dressed. Maybe it was just because I wasn't that type of person and I wasn't used to it.

Or it was the fact that I had never gone on a date before.

"Screw it," I mumbled to myself in defeat. I threw on the first thing I saw and put it on, looking in the mirror afterwards. A Mean Girls tank-top and jean shorts. Not bad, Jess. Not bad.

With my phone in hand, I ran down the stairs to go eat cereal. I stumbled from seeing something I thought I'd never see. Or, at least I thought I wouldn't see for a while.

Logan was in the kitchen talking to my mother.

I walked toward them with caution. My mother spotted me and wave me over, a huge grin on her face. Logan greeted me with a bow and a kiss on the back of my hand. Weird, yet it still made me blush. He was acting like a freaking prince and I was falling for it. I mean, dimples, Australian, and he also likes to act like a Disney prince. I don't know about you, but that made me fall further into what was known as the-point-of-no-return.

"Good morning, Jessy," mom cooed. "Your friend here was just telling me all about where he used to live. Marvelous stories, he tells."

What are this?

"Oh, really?" I looked over at Logan. "You're early."

Logan shrugged, "I guess I am."

If he wasn't so adorable I would've flicked him in the nose. "Well, are we going or...?"

He smiled and looked over to my mother. "A pleasure to meet you, ma'am." He repeated the bow and the kiss on the back of the hand to my mother. She looked absolutely tickled. Way to suck up, Logan. Now if we dated, my mom would cry more than me if we broke up.

We walked to the door, Logan opening the door for me. This whole gentleman thing was going to be the death of me. I made a note to meet his parents. They must've been really well-mannered. And probably rich. Although, Logan's grungy Nirvana t-shirt didn't say anything of the sort.

He opened the passenger side door of his black Mustang once we were outside. The radio station that came on once he started driving was my favorite radio station. And my favorite song at the moment was on. He turned the volume up as loud as it could go.

"I love this song!" he shouted over the guitar solo.

"Me too!" I shouted back.

After fifteen minutes of driving, Logan finally spoke. "Have you figured out where I'm taking you yet?"

I shrugged. "I haven't given it much thought."

He nodded and kept driving for a mother ten minutes until he pulled into the local zoo parking lot. He parked an looked over at me. "I'm taking you to the zoo and you're going to enjoy it."

"Seems like I don't have much say in the matter," I smiled.

"Nope," he grinned. "Not at all."

With that he got out and opened the door for me.



This is going relatively well.

By the way if you haven't noticed. Logan is based off Ashton.
Oliver is based off Calum.

Don't worry, Luke and Michael are also in this story. Just not until later.

Okay bye.

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