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"Rin. No." You sighed shaking your head, "You've just eaten like three plates of food, how can you still think about eating more ?"

"But Nee-chaaann ~~" Rin whined, "Hospital food will never satisfy my growing hunger ~ I'm gonna need to eat healthy foods when I become a basketball player !!"

"Burgers are not healthy, Rin." You stated strictly. You crossed your arms over your chest as you stared at your brother daring him to challenge you, "Besides, if you want to become a basketball player, you're not going to get there if you keep on eating burgers all the time."

"When I become a basketball player, Nee-chan ..." He pouted. His expression changed within a split second as a smile took over his puffed out lips, "I'm going to get better sooner or later and I'll become one of the greatest players in history." His e/c eyes sparkled as he gazed at you

His dreams could never be shattered when he had such a positive mind and attitude.He was so determined to achieve his goals. It brought happiness and a sense of hope in you until the thought of reality struck your mind. Your brother was sick and there wasn't anything you could really do to save him. Even though he seemed like nothing bothered him, he was slowly dying and it killed you inside.

A sigh escaped your lips, "You will get better, Rin... Don't lose hope just yet." You murmured more to yourself than to the h/c-haired young boy.

"Can I get Maji Burgers now ?"

"... fine."

You left the hospital after you gathered your things. It didn't take you a long time to reach the fast food restaurant. Once you got there, you made your way inside, e/c eyes scanning your surroundings.

Much to your dismay, the restaurant was quite full. With a sigh, you walked up to the never-ending line and waited patiently. You were definitely not going to walk all the way back to the hospital empty handed.

Your thoughts started to drift off to your parents and the life you had before you moved to town as you waited.

You lived in a small town with your parents and younger brother. Life seemed to treat you good. The L/n household didn't have much but they lived off on what they had and brought out the positivity in it. They were so happy.

Everything seemed to be in place until that night.

Whenever you thought about it, a chill would run down your spine. The chills were cold and often unbearable. You had to try your best to not let your thoughts run wild. But it never worked.

You found yourself staring into the eyes of the man that broke into your house. You couldn't move a muscle. You felt as if you were rooted down to the spot.

Your mother wrapped herself around you and Rin. Your father spread his arms out protectively in front of the three of you, begging the man to spare your lives. He seemed to be yelling out things like "I swear I gave the money back".

Money ?

At that time you weren't paying attention to what he was saying. Now that you're thinking about it ...


"Come on, Shin-chan ~ You can't hide your feelings for this girl forever ~"

"I'm not in love with her, nano -"

Midorima stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened in surprise and his jaw dropped a little.

He wasn't expecting to see you so soon

"Great Success" (KNB_Midorima x Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now