viii. too late

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    The other group, the one that hosted Leo's capture and Raya and Raymen's being had recently been labelled as "The Drunk-Kids Clan", by the other Sileo Day Survivors. It was not that they were all drunk and too high to function, but the fact that they were a group of people who were not going to conform for anyone. They wouldn't be anyone they weren't, not even because of their own flesh and blood, their parents.

    They walked along the secret trail. They knew all the ins and outs of the place, because Raya's friends, Raymen excluded, all did illegal things, like selling drugs and alcohol to underaged people. But, it went much, much further. Strip clubs, adult films. These people were a goldmine of illegal activities hidden in plain sight.

    They walked around, trying to find the governments nuclear bunker. There were a few around. Two of them specially located in Texas, their current residence. There was the bunker of which Quincey had hid in, which was for just the royalty when the new monarchy (and company) had been formed out of the new world order. Then there was the other one in the Lockness Forests, which was for the president, when they had one back in the day, if he ever came to Texas and needed to be evacuated into hiding. This one filled with more technology, and devices. It had a control room to monitor the levels of everything, from radiation, to heatwaves, to gun fires. Any situation, to make sure he'd know when it would be safe to go out into the world once more.

    The group was everyone but Raya, which was good for Raya. She did not want anyone to know that she'd captured Leo just yet. She wanted to burn his bloody corpse, and set their town ablaze. If you could call it a town, it was a college campus, but considering their low population numbers, only at around 20.

    They got into the other bunker, and searched through all the control panels. It was a truly astounding sight. There, they could speak into the radio systems. They could actually provide their insight into the world. It was amazing. All was suddenly well in the world, now that they had their first outlet.

    Their goal was to speak with space, and let them be trolled with the fact that they survived on their supposed death day. They knew that the radios could connect to space, since it was also used for contact with spacecrafts and stations. Raymen sat in the chair, and whirled around on the chair, before going to press the button to turn the signals on. He did so, and everyone clapped, looking on, proud.

    The signals started, and he then spoke in. "Space to earth, we have survived."

    In those moments, the people from the space station could hear it, in its entirety. They all raced to the centre of it, to get even more contact. They were all shook, each of the two hundred were scared for what it meant. If Luke had failed now, what was the chances of him having failed with this space station as well?

    Some started bombarding them with random questions, like, what was earth like, and if their child survived, but then, it was Rosalinds turn.

    "Did my child, Quincey Leighton, survive?"

    Raymen took a deep breath in, which scared the living crap out of Rosalind. She thought that the sigh meant something bad was upon them.

    Raymen began to think, wondering about if he had seen him before, and it then popped up that he had an hour-long make out session with the dude, and did not even realize it. He felt butterflies tingling down his spine as something rather sharp got to him, but it was an invisible object. Not an object, but an emotion. He was just unable to decode the feelings from that point.

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