The Good in Us

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2 Weeks Later

Imani POV

I woke up this morning not feeling to good. Jay left for work 4 hours ago, so im here by myself. I laid in the bed for a while. Then I felt like I had to throw up, so I went to the bathroom and stood over the toilet. About 5 minutes later I started throwing up. After I was done I brush my teeth and went to lay down. After about 2 hours I threw up again. What is wrong with me?

I called Sidney and told her come over. When she got there we went in my room and was just watching tv. Then I threw up again. Sidney came in the bathroom and held my hair back as I continued to puke. When I was finished I brushed my teeth.

"Sidney what could be wrong with me?" I asked her.

"I don't know boo, when the last time you got some." she asked me.

"Not to long ago."

"You might be pregnant babe." she answers.

"Hold would you know?" I asked her.

"Throwing up is a syptom pregnancy."

"I can't be."

"Ima run to the store and get a pregnancy test." she said. She left and I went downstairs to make me something to eat. When I was finished, I cleaned up my mess. By the time I was done straightening up Sidney came through the door with the pregnancy test.

"Here I got two just in case you wanna be sure." she said as she handed me the bag. I walked into the bathroom and took one of the test out. I read the directions on the box. I squatted a peed on the stick. I waited for a couple minutes. If I wasn't pregnant then one line would show up and if I was then two would show up.

"What'd it say?" Sidney asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"I have to wait."

"Oh okay."


30 minutes later

I walk into the bathroom and prepared myself to look at the results. I looked and two lines were on there. I took the other test and that read positive too. I can't believe im pregnant. Out of all people me. I texted Jayshaun to tell him the news.

Jayshaun POV 

I was at work and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Imani.

"Mr.Garner no phones out on the job." one of my co-workers yelled.

"Okay man."

I turned around and looked at the text. Imani said she was pregnant. I can't believe this. Im gonna call her on my lunchbreak.

-An Hour Later-

When it was time for my break I rushed to thhe break room and called Imani. I have to make sure she forreal.

"Hey baby, run that text by me again." I said.

"Jay im pregnant, we're gonna have a baby." Imani said.

"Are you forreal don't play with me Imani."

"Yeah I took two pregnancy test and they both came out positive."

"Oh shit. Jay finna be a daddy." I said into the phone. We talked for the rest of my break then it was time for me to go back to work. I hope these hours go by fast. Im really ready to go home now.

Cordell POV

My little sister was coming to visit me this week. I haven't seen her in forever. I guess she missed her big brother. I got in the shower and did my hygiene. When I was done I came out and put on a orange polo shirt, a pair of black True's and my Air Jordan Bobcat 10s. When I was dressed, I got my keys and phone and headed out to the airport to get my lil sis.

-30 minutes later-

I get out my car and seen my little sister, I yelled her name and started walking towards her. She didn't hear me. Then I got closer.

"Cordell, I missed you." she said as she got up to give me a hug.

"Hey Charity, I missed you too lil sis." I hugged her back then we both grabbed her bags.

"What you been up to?" she asked me as we walked towards the car.

"Nothing much, what about you?" I replied.

"Nothing, waited forever to come out here." she said. 

"You out here now."

Charity POV

Yes bitches im back. I came to Nebraska to see my brother, but I also came to get my man back. I told y'all Jayshaun ain't getting away from me and I mean that shit. He is mines forever, and ima do what I gotta do to get him back. He fucked with me now he stuck with me. Imani think she got him, but that bitch got another thing coming.

Charity is back!

Charity is Cordell sister? Whaat.

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