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I woke up "huh? Oh yeah we all stayed the night at hyunjins" I looked at the time "oh I need to start getting ready to go to school" I said and got ready I headed downstairs quietly "oh good morning dear why are you awake so early" hyunjins mom said "oh I'm going to practice dancing in the dance room before school" I said excitedly "you do know it's 3 hours before school starts right?" She said "yup" I said eating a piece of toast she gave me " you're going to practice for 3 hours?" She said concerned "yeah but I hope it's enough time I normally practice for about 5 hours" I said walking over to the door to put my shoes on "are any of the other boys awake yet?" She asked "no at least I don't think so" I said "well I'll be leaving now bye" I said looking back at her "okay be safe bye" she said smiling

I got to school and luckily the school gates were open and I headed to the dance room as I got closer to the room I heard music "huh someone else is at school this early" I said to myself *knock knock knock* "hello" I said entering the room "well well well look who we have here if it isn't my dear Felix" that terrifying voice said "o-oh h-h-hello y-young k" I said "what brings you to this room" young k said "h-huh oh I was going to practice my dancing" I said "why don't you practice with me then" young k said with a evil like smirk "I-is that ok-ay w-with you?" I asked "of course it is anyway we should get to know each other better don't you think" young k said "yea that sounds nice maybe we just started off wrong" I said smiling

*ring ring ring* "hello" "hello is this changbin?" "Yes who is this?" "Hello changbin this is the school we would like to let you know that because of the weather school has been canceled" "okay thank you" I hung up the call and headed downstairs to see if anyone was awake "hey bin school was canceled" Minho said "yeah I know they just called me" I said "hello boys" hyunjin mom said "good morning" I said "what were you just saying?" She asked "oh school is canceled for today" Minho said "oh dear Felix headed to school before the storm started" she said looking down "wait felix is at the school?" I asked "yes I watched him leave" she said looking at me "let's get the others we need to go get him" I said looking at minho who agreed with me

We finally got everyone awake and we were about to head out of the house "boys don't you want to take the car?" Hyunjin mom said holding the keys up "but none of us can drive" hyunjin said "not true woojin can" jeongin said "oh then yeah let's take the car it will be quicker" hyunjin said we got in the car and headed for the school

"It's raining pretty bad" I said "yeah it is" young k said looking out the window with me "so why did you show up to school so early?" I asked "I have to become an idol" young k answered "oh why?" I asked looking at him "to prove I'm worthy of being in my family" he said still looking out the window "oh" I looked out the window again "how about you why are you hear early?" He asked "to practice my dancing I'm still not good enough I have to get better" I said "to be honest you're already good at dancing" young k said looking at me "but I'm not good enough" I said "oh hey there's a car" young k said

Hello my journey has begun how have you guys been during my break? I'm back and doing better than before I've got three chapters in total left to upload so expect more

Question of the day
Where would you like to travel?

Till the next chapter bye bye


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