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Felix and Changbin are currently at a clothes store while the rest are at the mall getting things to put in Felix's room "what color should we get?" Chan asked "I say we just get every color possible" Jisung said "yeah okay" Hyunjin said and they all went into different shops to get things

"Hey look at this" Felix said pointing at a red and blue striped jacket "oh that looks nice and it's soft do you want it?" Changbin asked Felix "yeah but I don't want to spend your money" Felix said "then what's the point of being here?" Changbin said "I'll just get like two shirts and two pairs of pants and we can go" Felix said "okay that's fine" Changbin said and watched Felix walk over to the pants section "so he likes this jacket huh I bet it would look even better on him" Changbin said looking at the jacket then looking up at Felix "hey Felix I'm going to get a few things also if you need me just call out for me okay" Changbin said to Felix "okay" he replied and Changbin grabbed the jacket and went to get himself some things

Four hours later

"Hey Changbin are you done getting things yet?" Felix asked "huh? Oh I'm sorry yeah we can head back home now" Changbin said

Meanwhile one hour earlier

"Okay did you guys get everything you want to get?" Chan asked when the all met up at there meeting place "yup" they all said and headed to changbins house "okay so out of curiosity how do we know which room is Felix's?" Hyunjin asked "that... is a good question" Chan said "that's not what I wanted to hear" Hyunjin said and they headed into the house "okay so you guys finish bringing things in and I'll go find out which room he is staying in" Chan said heading upstairs

I headed upstairs to find Felix's room so we can start bringing things into the room and get everything set up "okay let's see that is changbins room so that leaves one, two, three, four, five rooms okay I'll start at the farthest room since it's Changbin we are talking about" I said going to the farthest room from changbins room I checked every room except the one closest to changbins room "it can't be" I said walking into the room to see a suitcase with "Felix" in big letters on it "wow it really is" I said and headed back downstairs "okay I found the room let's start bringing things into it" I said "okay but which room?" Woojin asked walking in the front door "I left the door open for you guys" I said and picked up somethings that were sitting on the ground "okay we need to first build the desk and the bookshelf then we can do the other things" seungmin said bringing the stand up lamp one of them bought "yeah okay let's go do that then we will finish bringing everything in" I said and me and woojin carried the box with the desk in it up and Hyunjin and seungmin brought the box with the bookshelf in it up to Felix's room "okay so let's build the desk first" woojin said

About 30 minutes later

"Okay the desk and bookshelf is done so now let's bring in the rest of the things and put them wherever and hide before Changbin and Felix get back" Jisung said "yeah let's get to work" I said and we started grabbing the things we bought and placing them where we want

Hello everyone how are you guys doing?

Till the next chapter bye bye


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