Chapter 3 - Mesmerizing Eyes.

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Their first meet up on Nathan's POV.


Nathan Lawrence

"You should go after her man. She's a very gorgeous woman and every guy is drooling over for her glance but you. Eventhough she said that she's into you, why can't you just take her for God sake? " Kane, my best friend said while pushing away some papers on my desk to distract me from typing on my laptop. I narrowed my eyes to him and he started to talk about that stupid model who just set my mood down with her nonsense fact.

I felt like stapling his over blabbering mouth right now and that was when I heard a knock on my door. I felt relief that finally I get to throw him away to start the interview and I asked the person behind the closed door to come in.

Later, I saw the silhouette popping up from the hallway and she stopped nearby with a taken aback expression. She's an Indian because her attire was more like to say that and I confirmed the guess when my eyes suddenly fell on her small round bindhi which is just in between her soft angled eye brows.

The bindhi straight away made me to notice her beautiful and mesmerizing eyes that only covered with mascara to show off her long eye lashes. I, for a moment gone lost in my own earth when I look to the eyes and my own trails down to every things that she's wearing.

Starting from the wire hook earrings that matched her tops till her flat wedges. She's really tall and I like the leggings that hugged her leg like a second skin. She looked different compares to the women in my world who always dressed in a tight dress or tiny skirts to show their body curves and bare legs for a display.

But the woman now who is standing opposites me, bring my own breath away with just those eyes. I knew that she won't be those girls out there who would be swooning for me but I couldn't stop imagining about having her close around me.

A clearing throat, shook me away from those thoughts and I saw the woman offering me a sweet smile as making me realise to start over the interview.

Oh, that smile just made my heart skip a bit. What the hell is wrong with me?

I gestured her to sit and asked Kane to leave the room. Her bright face turned pale when she saw Kane leaving us with a smirk. I wonder how he can affect her that way and I cleared my throat to stop this affection thing between them.

She looked at me with the same smile while asking for apologise and extending a file of her records I guess. I gave a simple nod and snatched the file. Her name is Ishita and she's twenty five. That's great.

I started to read her records and overall she's a good result holder. I know that any job here won't be equal for her over qualified records and my eyes suddenly felt on the words written over her resume, 'conception for a year only', so she's only here for the experience to pursue her related job later.

When I asked her, she said she will be an architect in a leading architecting company and soon I felt a little weird feelings that erupting me to acknowledge that she will be only here for a year.

Even though, as an outrage company in town that shouldn't be accepting temporary workers, I still want her to be here. Around me.

I appoint her to be the Vice Secretary which I was finding someone for and asked her to meet my own secretary for futher details. She leaves the sight with a simple thank you while making myself missing her appearance that soon.

She got me hooked, I swear.

Two weeks have passed but still she's afar of my sight. Simply saying, it's a disaster kind of feeling. I actually wanted to avoid her appearance around me but all I'm feeling was to do it opposite.

Something tells me that I'm going insane without seeing her for this two weeks. From when did I ever wanted to see a woman who is completely out of my league so bad? I kept asking myself this question all the time whenever I had a glimpse of her presence in my brain, just like now.

My handphone rang soundly and I attend the call as it was my mother.

"Hey, baby boy. How are you?" she asked giddily and I could really imagine the reason why she had called me now.

"Mom, I guess I had told you a thousand time to stop calling me a baby. " I huffed.

"Well, you don't deserve to protest you know. I will keep calling you that atleast till you get married." she said.

"Mom, I'm 27 and I'm still young to get married, you know." I said with the same huffed tone.

She took a long sigh. " I know Nathan but you know you have to get married soon for the company right?" she said with concern on her tone.

" I know mom but I just couldn't find the right one to get married with." I said and my mind directly went to Ishita. Which I don't know why.

"Okay so when you found the right one, just don't forget to tell her that she will be really lucky to have a man like you." my mom encouraged like she usually does.

"Fine, ma. So I have to go now, bye." I ended the call and took some moment of silence to compose myself. Later the door knocked and my PA came into my view. She told me that some files that have to display to the clients tomorrow was missing and I asked her to search at my rack but she said that the files still missing.

I stood up and quickly walked to the file room which is on the third floor. I took the elevator and some women who worked in my company were standing in the elevator while winking and steadying their dresses once a awhile. I clearly know that they were trying to seduce me but I don't have time for this.

The elevator reached the level and I quickly walked to the file room. When I was busy searching over every rack for those files, I saw Ishita standing in a stool with some files on her left hand and the right was holding the side of the rack. Suddenly, a loud thud echoed the silence room and Ishita started to stumble backwards.

In a swift move, I was holding her in my arms and her eyes were closed. I hold her still like for sometime till she opens her eyes and she breathed as if she's choked. I put her down and patted her back softly while exhaling her sweet lavender scent.

I love to be this close with her but then I missed the moment and a sudden pain covered my heart when she stepped away from me. Women won't easily step away from me because they love to be around me but she isn't like any of them. I reminded myself.

After she stepped away, she turned to look me and that when I looked away from her so that I could avoid the eye contact with that mesmerizing eyes. I know that I shouldn't do that but I'm afraid that I might lost control of myself from being away from her. So I quickly walked away from her without expecting anything in return.

What can I expect? A kiss? Well, damn myself.

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