Shance fluff

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After Shiro was revived, he was taken to rest in the black lion. The paladins and the others began their journey back to Earth, and were currently resting on a small planet: it was night, a moon shined brightly overhead. The planet was lush with big trees, bushes, and colorful flowers. A lake sat in the center, filled with creatures unknown. Everyone had gathered around a small campfire built on the beach, they made small talk with each other. They were all recouping from the intense battle that happened only a day ago. The five lions were parked nearby in the forest, in clear view.

Shiro had woken up a few times in the past twenty four hours, but was only awake for a few moments before passing out again. But, this time, Shiro woke up feeling like he had enough energy to stay awake for a while. He was laying on the floor of the black lion, tucked under a blanket, his head resting on a pillow. Shiro slowly sat up, every muscle in his body ached. He glanced around him, it was pitch black. He went to stand, and tried using both his arms to get up, but he only toppled over when only one arm supported his weight.

"Shit.." He mumbled, his voice echoing a little. He used his one arm to get up, it took a little longer though. He felt weak, his body definitely needed more resting. He huffed and blindly searched for anything that would give him some light. He felt around him, and his hand grazed the material of the seat. He stopped for a moment, then slowly made his way into the chair. He reached out with his only hand, and felt the one of the handles. He gripped it.

"Hey, mind giving me some light?" Shiro asked, his voice was tired and gentle. Just like that, the interior came to life: glowing brightly. He smiled softly. "Thank you.."

Shiro looked around him and just took it in. He's been gone for so long, and it feels so weird to be back in a physical form. Shiro looked up, ahead of him, and was able to peak through the trees to see everyone. He couldn't help but smile. Everything felt peaceful.

Slowly, Shiro stood and he made his way out of the black lion. He followed the light of the fire, pushing between bushes and ducking under tree branches. Leaves and twigs crunched under his feet. Everyone looked over into the woods as Shiro slowly emerged.

"Hey guys." He greeted, in that familiar warm tone. Keith and Allura stood.

"How are you feeling, Shiro?" Allura asked.

"A bit worn out, but nothing I can't handle." He chuckled lightly.

"We're glad to have you back, Shiro." Keith said, a gentle smile on his face, his brows turned up just slightly.

"I'm glad to see you all again."

Keith went over to Shiro, and hugged him gently, his head resting on his shoulder. Shiro let out a soft sigh and hugged back. The others quickly joined the hug. They stayed like that for a long moment, just enjoying the moment, being together, and okay.

A few began to cry, including Keith. Shiro felt Keith's body lightly shake against his as he silently cried. He hugged Keith tighter to his body and tried to comfort him. Keith squeezed his arms around Shiro's torso, but was careful to be gentle, and dug his face into his shoulder. He made a small wet patch into Shiro's clothes, but Shiro didn't mind.

They all pulled away long moments later, wiping their wet eyes and sniffling.

"White hair suits you." Hunk suddenly commented, breaking the tension.

"Yeah, it looks quite nice on you." Allura agreed.

Shiro gave them a confused look. He hasn't looked in a mirror since being revived.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, when I revived you, your hair turned white. Hope you don't mind too much."

"Oh, well, there's no point in complaining, I guess. I'll get used to it." He gave a warm smile.

Shiro glanced around the group and noticed Lance was missing.

"Where's Lance?" He asked.

"He's in his lion." Pidge answered.


"He said he wanted to be alone." Pidge shrugged.

"Do you think he'd be mad if I came and said hi?"


"Kay, I'll be right back."

Shiro turned.


Shiro looked back.

"Take this." Pidge tossed a flashlight at him. Shiro barley caught it.

"Thanks." He turned it on and stepped back into the woods.

Shiro scanned his flashlight around him, and stopped when he saw the red metal reflect back at him. He headed towards the lion and entered.

Lance was sitting in his chair. He looked back when he heard the doors open behind him and watched as Shiro entered. The interior was lit up with a gentle red glow. Lance quickly stood.





There was a moment of awkward silence.

"How are you feeling?" Lance spoke up.

"Worn out, but okay."

"That's good, I guess.."

Another moment of silence.

"What about you? It's been pretty intense."

"I'll be fine, I'm just letting it all settle in."

Shiro nodded. Lance sighed, looking away.

"Look, Shiro, I'm sorry.. you tried to tell me that one time when we went to the astral plane, but I couldn't hear you.. I tried really hard to hear you.." Lance got choked up, he sniffled, but couldn't stop the tears. "It's all my fault.." He whimpered out.

Shiro frowned, and went up to Lance. He hugged him tightly. Lance hugged back.

"It's okay, it's not your fault.." Shiro spoke softly. Lance pressed his face into Shiro's chest and sobbed: he poured out all his emotions.

Lance's soft sobs echoed, Shiro rubbed his back to try and sooth him.

"I'm glad you're back.." Lance whispered.

"It's nice to see you too, Lance.." Shiro whispered back.

Lance lifted his head and Shiro looked down at him: they locked eyes. Their faces inched closer until they could feel each others breath on their lips. Their eyes fell closed as they locked lips: it was a tender kiss, full of love and emotion. When they pulled away, their cheeks were dusted a light pink. They smiled and giggled softly.

Shiro couldn't help but notice how cute Lance looked right now, his bright blue eyes staring up at him and that precious smile gleaming. He looked so perfect.

Lance rested his head back on Shiro's chest, and Shiro rested his chin on top of Lance's head.

They stayed in that loving embrace for a while, just enjoying each others presence.

"You should get back to the others." Lance said.

"Wanna come back with me?"

"Nah, I'm gonna get to bed, I'm tired."

"Alright, see you tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

They pulled away.

"Goodnight, Lance."

"Night, Shiro."

Shance fluff (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now