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Budd POV:...

As we reached the floor that my room, we walk up the corridor on the way to my room and I think roman was talking to me I don’t know I kind of had my mind on other then I thought I liked this one guy but then I end in bed set I know nothing happened and he like Val but he was so nice to me and kind not like anyone I have ever met before I stop dead in my thoughts when I reach my door and unlocked it and let roman in first and said “make yourself at home” he nodded as he walked in and did exactly what I said and made himself at on the sofa I walk into the kitchen and turned the kettle on walked back to roman and asked him if he wanted tea or coffee and he asked for a coffee and I walk back into the kitchen and made a tea for me and a coffee for roman I walk back and headed him the coffee and sat at the other end of the sofa that he was on then sipped on my tea “so what do you think to Valentine? Do you have a soft spot for her?” I giggled and he just laughed and shook his head in embarrassment then with a big smile “yeah you could say that” a gave him a look to see if he was sure about what he just said “ok I like her but I don’t know if it would work I think she likes someone else” he said I gave him the same look again it was a half-smile and one eyebrow raised it was like a are you sure look he started to talk again “ok I know who she likes” my face just dropped he know she likes someone and it wasn’t him I mean he could just have a hunch “how do you know who she likes?” I say he nods his head “how” I asked he looks me “she told me” he said my eyebrows raise “and she told me who” my eye widened she told he and not me and was that what was bothering her earlier she found more trust in roman than be I groan “go on then who is it?” I asked he looks at me shocked like he expected me to know “hum maybe I shouldn’t say if she hasn’t told be its for good reason” he replied I look down at my hands and looked back up with a determined look on my face “please tell me I won’t say anything” I asked nicely and if he won’t tell I will get it out a Valentine he look at me with a sight face and shrugged his shoulders “ok I will tell you but you can tell anyone that I told you ok!” he say I nod “ok she said that she has a thing for” he pursed closed his eye and opened them again “Seth Rollins” my eye widened in shock that mean they both like each other Seth like Bobby and Bobby liked I couldn’t say anything I my mouth just open and I slapped my hands over my mouth roman gave me a funny look “do you know something I don’t know?” he ask with concern I just nodded my head and smile the smile on my face went from one ear to the other I couldn’t help but laugh and then I slipped out “well that’s good cause Seth like her” and again I slap my hands over my mouth he looked at me in shock then gave me are you sure look and I nodded he laugh “well I think I’m going to go I need a shower” I smiled and nodded and showed him out and picked up the two empty mugs and put them in the sink in the kitchen and then go for a shower and let the hot water wash away my thoughts well someone stayed in my mind but he was always on my mind he never life since I met him on Monday night.‏


Roman POV:

As we get to Budd‘s suite my mind’s wondering but I don’t want her to know that it is because I don’t want her to think that I’m rude, so I try to make small talk but she doesn’t really reply just the occasional smirk or nod of her head maybe it’s easier if I just hush my mouth. As we reach her door she unlocks it and I make my way over to the couch. She walks out into the kitchen and my thoughts wonder to Bobbie, the woman is gorgeous I mean seriously but she likes Seth why would I even stand a chance against him? He has women falling to his feet but he had better not hurt her the way he did last night again especially not if he tells her he has the same feelings as her else I swear I will raise hell. I’m dragged from my thoughts as Budd passes me a mug of coffee and sit’s next to me with her legs crossed. She starts asking the same questions as before about Bobbie, I know I have a soft spot for her or something like that anyway and I can’t lie to her so I have to admit it to her. I bring up the fact that I know she likes someone else, and I know that it hurt Budd I could see it on her face when she asked how I know I simply replied “she told me.” Her face dropped how could she tell me but not her best friend? Wait I know why it’s because she thinks Budd likes him FUCK. I apologise because I know I shouldn’t have said anything, but she slaps her hand over her mouth like she knew something I didn’t. Maybe my soft spot for Valentine could be more but what if I was wrong and Budd knew something different. I question her and that’s when she tells me “Seth likes Valentine.” My jaw drops I can’t help it but I’ve not been this happy for any one in a long time. But why did he put his arm around Budd’s waist? And why did he go back to his hotel with her? He can’t use the excuse he was drunk because we both know he wasn’t I need to speak to Seth and soon. I show myself out as Budd says she needs a shower. As I walk to the lift I can’t help but think that I need to speak to Seth and then maybe me and Budd can work together and maybe put some plans together to get Bobbie and Seth talking hm…My mind continues to wonder as the lift pings to say I’m on the floor for my room.

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