getting physical

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shoutout to Thalmor for the "normani seeing camila" and the "uninvited ty prompt" xx



Lauren looks at it, wonders how the hell did it end up there, before settling on the fact that maybe it fell of the bed when she tossed and turned the night before.

This is one of the rare moments that Lauren wakes up before her alarm and Camila.

So when she wakes up and sees a sharp contrast of white against the wolf's dark brown fur, Lauren resists the urge to coo loudly, biting her lip and reaching for her phone, putting her phone on silent—because she's not an amatuer in taking candid photos—and snapping a photo, secretly sending it to Mani.

It's one of her pillows, nestled comfortably under Camila's head and a large paw, body of pure muscle curled around it like a teddy bear.

Lauren doesn't know how long she's been staring but when her phone dings with a reply from Normani—okay, that's cute and all but wtf are you awake so early—she finally gathers her hair up in a ponytail, padding lightly around to start a proper breakfast as she computes in her mind how long she has before she needs to be at work.

She's setting up the plates on the couch, feeling light and well-rested before Camila struts into the living room, stretching languidly and plopping to the couch, head resting against Lauren's thighs.

"Good sleep?" she asks, head threading through the fur on what she thinks is the nape of the wolf's neck, when she hears it.

It's faint, barely there, and if not for the vibrations humming against Lauren's thighs, she wouldn't even notice it.

But it's there, low and rumbling and—"Oh my god, are you purring?"

Camila stops purring, eyes opening in what Lauren assumes is a hopeful attempt at a glare, huffing once, but doesn't attempt to move away.

"Come on, you big baby, I cook breakfast for you and you sleep on me?" Lauren asks, lazily combing through Camila's fur again, smiling to herself when she feels the wolf sink itself deeper against her thighs, whiskers tingling her bare skin, purr vibrating that she feels all the way down to her bones.

Trust, she thinks, taking a french toast and teasingly runs it before Camila's nose, watching the wolf's nose twitch but press harder against Lauren's thighs.

Lauren doesn't even feel bad when she got to work half an hour late.


A lot of things become their routine, then.

When Lauren forgets to "drop" her pillow to the floor one night, she wakes up to Camila's whiskers tickling her arm, sees the wolf standing up on front legs on the side of her bed, reaching for a pillow, before loudly thumping back against the carpet with the pillow clutched tightly between paws and her snout buried against it.

Lauren doesn't close her bedroom door, too, for Camila. So in most mornings that Camila wakes up before Lauren's alarm and Lauren herself, when Lauren drags her half awake ass to the shower, she sees a few fallen hair against the shower wall, the floor slightly wet, and so is Camila's toothbrush.

But after the first morning that Lauren sees the floor outside of the bathroom littered with wet paw marks, she made Camila swear to use the hair dryer before leaving the bathroom.

And then comes their breakfast. Lauren worries about the less usage of her very not cheap dining set but the thought flies out of her mind when Camila dumps her head against Lauren, silently grumbling for an early morning petting.

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