The Racemark (Part 1)

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Racemarks is similar like a tattoo but the only difference is that Racemarks distinguish what kind of specialization will you be good at or the skill that you will likely develop.

There are 8 Racemarks in the world of Artzenhale that anybody can specialize on and that is the reason why the world is stable in food supply and demands.

Because of the Unity of each Races Artzenhale is at peace and chaos is absent in our world.

But something tragic happen!!!😱

The Invicta Races rebeled against the law of the Imperial Races and a clash has emerged between the 2 races.

Invicta Races are Conquerers that are responsible for the unity of the United of Artzenhale. They conquered every country, town, and village they find and let them be part of the (UA).

Imperial Races are natural born Rulers and Leaders that led the success of the UA movement. They are the brains and the rulers of every nation.

Invicta Races rebeled against the Imperial Racea due to an accident during the annual UA summit at Enthalia. Where the ambassador of the Invicta Races has a report of a threat in the area.

*Using Telepathy*

Beware after all these years of hiding, I will truly emerged from the darkness to cover this world into a dark abyss where no light can enter or escape.

*UA Meeting*

Dreyfus: Who are you?!?! And what do you want from us???

DarkVoice: I am the one who doesn't bring light, the one who will destroy Artzenhale, but before I do that I will have to finish my business with the Invicta Ambassador, Dreyfus Illoshire, Death will be upon you.

*The Voice suddenly vanishes*

Dreyfus: What the?!?!?!?! 😡Who did this?!?!?! Show your self!!!😠 Stop messing with me!!!😈

Heathcliff: Hey Dreyfus settle down!!! Your making a ruckus here! We do not know who that guy was or what is his real intentions are but 1 thing is for sure he is a bad guy and he seeks revenge on Dreyfus.

Do you have any clue who that guy is Dreyfus?

(Heathcliff is the ambassador of the Imperial Race)

Dreyfus: Yes, Its you Heathcliff. You are the only who is after my head!!!

Heathcliff: What are you talking about??

Dreyfus: Before the Great War end you said that you need to do something about invicta because you were afraid that Invicta will conquer not only lands but the throne as well.

Now I have been threatened by you Heathcliff.

I declare war upon all Imperial Races and break the peace that binds us together in Artzenhale.

Heathcliff: No I didn't threaten you Dreyfus what are you talking about? That's not my doing Dreyfussss!!!

Dreyfus: It's too late now Heathcliff.

*Shouts* "Invictaaaaaa Get Ready for war!!!"

Dreyfus stood up from the round table and walked away. While Heathcliff is shocked of what happened. He talked to the other Ambassadors about this matter.

Novele: We understand you Heathcliff, Dreyfus has a grudge on you ever since that war and he was looking for something to get you guilty. The whole UA administration knows about it Heathcliff but the declaration of Dreyfus of war shouldn't be ignored.

*Novele is the ambassador of the Druidic Races they specializes on Taming Magical Creatures and they are in charge of the flow of Nature in Artzenhale.

Dreyfus is the leader of the Invicta Race and he doesn't declare a war if he knows he will not win.

Heathcliff: Dreyfus rebeled against us we should get ready for this war.

Let's go talk to the King!!

Ambassadors meet me at the Golden Castle tomorrow at 12 noon we will discuss this matter with the King of Artzenhale.


Dreyfus' POV

*Going back to the Invicta HQ w/ his right arm soldier*

Dreyfus: (laughing hysterically) Zion, nice job making that illusion, rescuing you from that tragedy is a Great Choice, now look at you!!! You are my son and my right hand. Thank you son, now let's get ready for war!!!

Zion: are you sure that is the right move father?

Dreyfus: What are you talking about Zion? We conquered and reunite all the country in Artzenhale. That is why we should be ruling them not the other way around.

Zion: But father we are the Invicta, the proud Conquerers of Artzenhale. It is our duty to protect the king and the Imperial Races and our world.

Dreyfus: Son are you not tired following their orders, going into battle, and watching your comrade die?

You told me yourself that the world itself needs to change. That is the reason why I'm doing this, It's for you son.

*Holds his Son's head with delight and then they went to the HQ.

Zion: (speaks on his mind) But Father this is not what I want. I need to find a way to stop this.



Always Remember

"Reading stories are a way to escape this shit called reality"

- Miczzz out

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