The Racemark (Part 2)

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All Ambassadors went back to their own HQ and they talked about it with their officials.

They talked if they will support Imperial in this war and the result of this meeting is that 1 race will help the Imperials and that is the Valor.

The Valor race specializes with magic combat they have trained soldiers that pledged their loyalty to the King and to the country.

Valor Ambassador, Victor, sent his men to the Imperial's HQ to report that Valor will help the Imperial races to win the battle against Invicta.

Victor: Men, go take this letter to Heathcliff and make sure that he receives it personally.

Henchmen: Sir yes sir

Victor: Take 2 more men with you and bring your weapon we don't know when they will attack.

Henchmen: Sir yes sir

The Henchmen walked out of the room and went to deliver the letter.

A Few minutes later after the henchmen leave somebody knocked on the door of Victor's office


Victor: Come in!!!

???: Hey Uncle!!! Good Day!!!

Victor: Oh Hana, Darling what brings you here? Aren't you suppose to be in school?

Hana: *Giggles* My class will start next week uncle.

Victor: Ohhh is that so? Well now you're a 3rd year. There are a lot of incident and problems that you will encounter in that year.

Hana: I know uncle but I felt there was something missing?

Victor: What do you mean there is something missing?

Hana: I don't know? I just felt like I'm longing for something.

Victor: As long that that is not a guy, It's fine Sweetheart

Hana: "Hahahahaha" I know uncle, don't worry I know it's not a boy.

By the way Uncle I'll be going now.

Good luck on whatever you are doing.

Victor: Hahaha I know darling, Ok bye sweetheart, do you need some escort to take you home?

Hana: No I'm fine Uncle I have a ride home. I have a horse waiting for me at the shed.

Victor: Ok take care Hana.

At the same time, the 3 Henchmen went to Fiore Road. This is the fastest way to travel to the Imperial HQ BUT this is the most dangerous road in Enthalia.

The 3 Henchmen traveled to the middle of the Fiore Road and they've been stopped and threatened by a group of bandits

H1: Wow after all this time it has to be right now!

H2: Hahahaha Lets go Everyone this is a good time to test if my training is worth it.

H3: Hahahaha I know you would say that so guys are you ready to dance?

H1 & H2: Hell yeah!!!

B1: Do you really think you could defeat us? You're outnumbered.

We have 9 people here and you only have 3. It's a 3 on 1 ratio, do you think you stand a chance?

H1: Hahaha don't decide on quantity because quality can outdone a lot of numbers.

Fiore Banditssss!!!! Attackkkkk!!!

The Fiore Bandits surrounds the Henchmen and attacked them so they will move away from each other.

*3 Bandits cast a spell

Fire Magic: Fire Storm

The magic caused the Henchmen to be separated and they've been surrounded by the thieves.

H1: So it's a 3 on 1 huh? Well that's no problem.

*Casts a spell

Water Magic: Bubble Barrage

* A slippery floor that removes friction between the floor and the feet of the opponent. If bubbles have been popped it will cause an explosion.

The bandits slipped and has been exploded by the bubbles effects.

B1: What kind of magic is that!!!😖

H2: Haha you ain't see nothing yet!!!

Wind Magic: Air Pulse

* An attack where the opponent is hit by a tremendous pressure that can cause internal bleeding but is invicible to the naked eye.

The Bandits got hit by the attack and cannot move their muscles properly.

B4: What are you?!?!?! 😲

H2: Wow, all that training paid off!!!
It feels great.

H3: Now it's my turn!!!

Earth Magic: Dirt tomb

* A magic where dirt was poured into the opponent with tremendous speed and made it look like a tomb.

The bandits was immobilized and feeling pain because of the attack.

H3: I'll wrap everything up.

Earth Magic: Prison Rock

* A magic that transform dirt into a Prison and secure enemies until the user said to let them go.

Call HQ and abduct this people and teach them a good lesson.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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