Chapter 1

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*Alice's POV*

"Start unpacking into the drawers you two, try not to leave anything lying around - let's have an organized holiday for once!" Mum's head poked her head around the cabin door. My brother and I mock-groaned, trying to hide our grinning faces from our fussy mother.

"Where's Dad?" Brax asked Mum, less out of interest, but more to try distract her from the fact that he was shoving his half-full suitcase under the bunkbed.

"He's gone down to the Guest Relations desk on deck 5 to collect our boarding cards... and don't think I didn't see that young man", Mum sighed, before her head disappeared from behind the door. I heard her thumping around in the next cabin. Folding away her holiday clothes into various cupboards, I assumed.

Braxton kicked off his sandles and flopped down on his bed, the lower bunk, since he's greatly afraid of heights. The bedframe creaked, taking his weight.

"This is the life", he yawned, stretching.

"Tell me about it. Here, pass me my bag."

Braxton chucked my old rucksack over to where I was sitting on a tiny couch next to the porthole.

I unzipped it and emptied its contents out onto the narrow coffee table in front of me. Out spilled a phone charger, an opened packet of haribos, some tissues, a purple nikon camera, a blue toiletries pouch, a melted kitkat and a dog-eared book.

"Give us a jelly", Braxton said bluntly.

"Get it yourself, you lazy pig", I laughed, piling my belongings onto a shelf below the porthole. I looked out at the port.

Palma de Majorca.

A built-up seaside town, the biggest in Majorca, bustling with tourists and Spanish fishermen. Humid and dusty. I felt grateful for the cool air-conditioning we had on the ship.

Oh yes, our cruise ship.

Haven Romantica.

60,000 tonnes of restaurants, pools, bars, sports courts, promenade decks and cabins. It was literally like a floating hotel. According to Dad, it was the third biggest cruise ship in the world. By far the biggest we'd ever gone on.

And I hadn't even seen any of it yet, with the exception of the elevator and my cabin.

"I'm gonna go exploring", I told my brother, who shrugged, his mouth crammed with sweets.

I rapped on the cabin door next to ours.

"You hear that Mum?"

"Sure. It's 2 o'clock now, I want you back here before dinner, so at around 6. If you want me anytime before that, I'll be sunbathing beside the pool on deck 11!" Mum yelled back.

I jogged down the long, dim corridor. I was on deck 6; a cabin-only deck, that much I could tell. Therefore, I headed straight for the stairs. Taking two steps at a time, as I always did. Just like Amazingphil, my favourite youtuber and inspiration. Smiling to myself, I emerged on to deck 9.

I noticed a detailed picture of the ship's deck layout in a glass case next to the stairs. From studying it, I learned that their was an indoor pool, a sauna and gym, a night lounge, a fancy steak restaurant and the Teen's Club on this deck.

I sighed sadly. This was the first year ever that I wouldn't join the Teen's Club on a cruise. 14 year-old Braxton could, luckily for him. I would just have to find ways to entertain myself on my own.

I took the stairs again and continued exploring.


Heya dudes, tysm for taking time to read my new fanfic, it means a lot! If you can, please vote/comment/share this fanfic, it gives me motivation when I see people's appreciation. And do stick around because I have so many ideas in store for this story. And don't worry - Dan and Phil WILL be in it soon ^-^

Love Lucypooh xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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