Chapter 20

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Bishop stroked the feathery curls that tickled his neck and chest, soaking up the warmth of Leah's body that was pressed flush against his. He'd lost count of the number of times they'd made love. A sense of deep satisfaction had settled somewhere in his heart, heavy and unmoving since the moment she had braved the storm to find him. Each day he looked at her he learned something new, something marvelous. A lamp needed to be kept burning at night or else nightmares plagued her sleep. Now, she no longer woke up screaming in fear, but his name. He was there unfailingly to hold and comfort her, and to reassure her that Spencer was indeed gone. And there was no place she would rather be than in his arms. She trusted him in a way she never did before now. She spoke of her father more, and shared stories of the life they shared before he died. And there was fierce pride in her eyes when she introduced him as her husband wherever they went.

It was an odd thing, walking through the streets dressed as he was. But Leah couldn't have been more pleased, quick to show him off like a prize. He smirked, thinking he should be offended. But deep down he did not care. She belonged to him. If she asked him to walk with a bell around his neck he just might do it.

She stirred and stretched like a contented feline before opening her eyes. Bishop's breath paused the way it always did when she smiled. There was love shining in her orbs – a love so deep he felt undone.

"I can't wait to go home," she said, stroking his face absently.

He threaded his fingers through hers and kissed the back of her hand. "Won't you miss this place?"

"What's there to miss?"

He pulled her closer upon his chest and stroked the dip in her back. "All the fancy dinners and dresses. Your friends. The servants."

Leah chuckled and kissed his naked chest. "I'm not spoilt. Besides, I'm sure Millie will be more than happy to show me what I need to learn."

Admiration for her continued to grow in his chest. "You're so delicate. I guess I'm afraid you'll change your mind when we get back."

A flicker or concern darkened her face and she sat up, her shielding her breasts with the sheet. "Change my mind about you?"

He closed his eyes briefly and shrugged.

"I love you. Don't you believe that?"

"Yes, I do. But I'm not wealthy and I can't give you all the pretty things you're accustomed to." His stare was heavy and full of part happiness, part sorrow. "All I can give you is my love and the promise that I'll never let you down."

Hot tears stung her eyes. She flung herself into his arms and showered him with wet kisses. "You've given me more than that. You're teaching me how to love and live and enjoy my life. I've been a prisoner for so long...I have enough wealth for the both of us. And if I miss the glitter of this town I'll throw the biggest, fanciest party and invite the entire town. All I need is for you to continue doing what you're doing. Just keep loving me."

His arms tightened around her. When he found her lips it was in no soft kiss, but one of demand. Leah returned the favor fiercely, stroking his skin, reveling in how different they were. When he pulled her onto him she felt empowered, relishing the feel of the throbbing member that pressed harshly against her stomach. To think several weeks ago she would have been terrified at the idea of making love. Now, with this man, that was all she wanted to do. He tasted of musky spices and smelled of tobacco. The scruff on his jaw had not been carved in three days, but it was a good look on him, and she loved the way it scratched her neck when he kissed her there. His fingers danced against her body, bringing her to a slow rise, introducing her to his art of seduction without overwhelming her senses. Each kiss was a sip, each caress a promise of an earth-shattering end. Her nipples were pinched gently before his lips found them, his tongue soothing and warm.

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