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••Gabi's Pov••

My Mom pulls into the driveway of our house on the outskirts of New York, about an hour or so away from the city. "Welcome home, kiddos," she smiles, turning off the engine and climbing out of the car as my older brother, Ashton, follows to help her. I gently shake my twin sister, Stella, awake as she groans sleepily, "Fuck off Luke!" I laugh and raise an eyebrow at her, "Do I look like Luke to you? Wake up, shitface." She groans again and rolls her eyes before stretching and getting out of the car. We had been on vacation in New Orleans to visit my Mom's side of the family. My parents got divorced when my sister and I were six, which meant a lot of weekend travels to see our Dad in New Jersey. I get out of the car and take in the fresh air, which thankfully, didn't smell like bayou and swamp water. I wasn't a city girl, but I damn sure wasn't a country one either. As Ashton and Mom unpack, I walk around to the backyard to see the dogs. We weren't able to take them with us on the plane, so we had to leave them. Lucky for us, Michael came by and spent time with them and fed them. I walk over to the fence and smile as our pitbull, Roxy, and our great dane, Harley, come running over wagging their tails and whining happily. "Hi babies," I laugh, petting them both as I unlatch the gate and let them out into the front yard as they immediately rush towards the car. "Damn it, Gabi! I said wait until we were done with our luggage!" Ashton yells from the porch as I walk around the corner, a smirk on my face. Roxy had knocked the suitcase out of his hand and tackled him to the ground as Harley licks at his face. "They missed you, dumbass!" I laugh, grabbing Roxy's collar and pulling her off as he stands up. "Well I didn't ask to be tackled like a linebacker on a football team," he laughs, petting Roxy and Harley. Stella walks up the driveway, her nose buried in her phone as she texts Luke. "Seriously? You can't conversate for five minutes?" I tease, nudging her in the side. "Fuck off," she laughs, shoving her phone in her pocket. "What's wrong with your passive-aggressive ass?" Ashton laughs as we all walk into the house where Mom has already started dinner. "Luke and I are fighting, because I told him that Green Day was better than Fall Out Boy," she groans, throwing herself down on the couch as Harley climbs up and lays on top of her. "That's just Luke. He'll get over it. He's just a pussy," Ashton laughs, laying on the other couch. "Feet off the couch. Jesus, were you born in a barn?" Mom laughs as she walks in the living room to grab her purse. "No, but Jesus was," I reply, laughing. "Be quiet you smartass," Mom laughs, shoving my shoulder lightly as I push Stella's feet off into the floor so that I could sit down. I grab the remote and turn on the tv, searching through the channels. "Please, no more RuPaul," Ashton groans, hiding his face behind one of the couch pillows and groaning. "We had to listen to 3 Doors Down the entire ride home, get over it you pussy," I laugh, throwing one of the small pillows from the couch at him. "I hope you choke on Michael's dick," he laughs. I roll my eyes and click on the most recent episode of RuPaul's Drag Race.
After dinner, we all go our seperate ways. All of us go to our rooms and Mom stays downstairs, working on some of the new cases that came in over the last two weeks. She's a Private Investigator, so she was always at work. I change into one of Michael's old oversized 'Three Days Grace' sweatshirts and slip my pants off, kicking them across the room. "Do you always have to sleep with no fucking pants? I don't want to see your lacy underwear or your vagina," Stella laughs from her side of the room as I walk to the joined bathroom and laugh. "Oh please, we have the exact same thing. Stop whining," I laugh from the sink as I wipe my makeup off. I wish makeup didn't ruin your pores, I'd wear it forever. It makes me look a million times more attractive than I actually am. I walk out of the bathroom and Stella is on her MacBook, facetiming Luke as they argue over which band is better. "I'm telling you! Green Day is way better!" Stella groans as she lays her phone on her bedside table. "Yeah, well I beg to differ, babe," Luke laughs from the other line. "Are you guys still going on with this?" I laugh, brushing through my hair. "And she rises from her cave. Nice to see you finally decided to join us, Gabs," Luke laughs. "Fuck off, Hemmings. I'm not always hiding, I just don't like you," I joke as I crawl into bed. "Oh, what Gabi would do to have Michael's hot step-sister in her bed with her," Luke teases. "Fuck off, I love Michael! I'd never do that to him," I snap angrily. "Relax, Mighty Mouse. It's a joke," he laughs. I roll my eyes and lay down, turning off my bed-lamp. "Goodnight babe. I'll call you tomorrow," Stella says softly, before hanging up and laying her laptop on her bedside table and turning off her lamp. Drowning the entire room in pure darkness.

a/n: hi, as you can tell i'm a fanfic whore and i can't stop making new ones fbcjsnfksnfksnd

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