¶The first.

30 0 0

-June 21

   "Today is the first day of summer. Here begins warm days, cool nights, & the end of stress, pain & work load."

This is what Cali told her self as she awoke to start her day. Summer was her season. Finally she would be able to do what she wanted, what she longed to do & be the person she wanted to be. For Cali it wasn't just summer it was a right of passage & a new beginning.

Cali opened her laptop & began writing her blog post of the day.

It read ~ Good Morning SunShiners,

Today is one of the most glorious days of the year, Yes today is the first day of summer. So SunShiners I request that you make it the best you can & use each day to your full advantage. I challenge you to do,learn, or be someone ΠEW . That's all for now bye, bye Sunshiners.


What she didn't realize was although it was the first day of summer it was not the last day of school. She didn't figure this out until she heard her mother scream "KALI TAYLOUR PRICE get down here you can't be late" The sound of her mother's voice sent her dashing into her closet. She fanatically searched her closet until she found it... THE SUMMER BASKET. The summer basket is were Cali placed all of her summer garments she had purchased throughout the year & now was the time to put it to use.


Cali arrived to school in a Pastel fit & flare dress & a pair of Michael Kors moccasins.

"Hey Taylour" said Kimberly with great  emphasis on the u.

"Hello Kimbe"

We had a brief conversation as we walked to our lockers.

We were greeted by the seen of Anna{Anabella} & her "boyfriend" Josh making out right infront of my locker.

Kimberly started banging repetitively on the locker with her fist. This stoped the "couple's" kissing.

"Hola Friends!" says Anna

"Hey." Kimberly & I say simultaneously.

Anna, Kimberly & Josh begin talking which in a way makes me feel awkward but, I kindly ask them to move over & then retrieve my books for my locker.

     Awkward? Why did I feel awkward?  They are my friends & I talk to them all the time. What makes me feel so displaced when Josh is around?  These are the thoughts rushing through my head as a walk to my first period class. As I'm walking I stop & feel the sun from windows pouring onto my skin I regain my happy, optimistic attitude from this Morning.

      The day goes by at a rather speedy pace. Now It's lunch time. I go shove my books in my locker & grab my keys. I take a quick jog to my mom's job which isn't far from school & wait in her car. She finally emerges from the building & we head out to lunch. My mom requires that we do this at least once a week. We went to eat near the beach. Due to the extreme wind it was easy to see that summer had not fully arrived yet but, it was refeshing to see the scenery & feel the air of the ocean. My Mother & I walked along the beach talking & thinking about life, it had been a while since I felt like I could trust & feel like I did in that moment. Once we got back to the car I didnt want to go back to school. Our drive back was very peaceful, I got lost in the view paired with the music on the radio. So much that I didnt hear my mom ask her usually questions. I didn't realize we were back  unitl my mom pulled into the parking lot of her office bulding, She pulled my headphone out of my ear & said "Well Kali Price Have a fun walk back to school & don't be late"  as she said this as she dropped the car keys on her seat & gave me a wink, she didn't walk into the bulding until she saw me pull out her parking space.

                I pulled up to my school at 12:45pm which gave me a good 15 minutes to get my books & take a slow jog to my next class, If I timed it right I could stop & get some coffee in the cafeteria. My entry into the cafeteria was greeted with gawks & whispers & also some waves. I in all actuality didn't have a care in the world, I grabed my coffee & began my walk to class. I could have stayed & talked with my friends, but i wanted to take the long way to class & enjoy the weather. I got to class at 12:55, 5 minutes early I used this time to pick my seat, take out my homework assignmets, & check my text messages.

The class ended rather fast for my longest class of the day & The only class I had left was study hall. Walking to study hall mad me want to leave school so bad, but I went because I know my mom would've killed if I didn't.

     For me study hall is the dumbest classes ever. One- I do all my work either in class or at home, Two- I have it at the end of the day which is completely useless, & Three- The only day I have it is Friday. Which for most people is a time to do all there work for the weekend, for me is a waste of time because I have a homework plan in which I have no homework to do until Tuesday. Tuesday is a boring day of the week the perfect day to do homework. Anyway i spent this useless period making plans with my friends. Earlier I recived a text from my mom saying she is going to work late, & knowing that I know my dad is picking up my little sister from school. So that means I'm home alone on friday night with my mom's car or so I hope. Kira, Kimberly, Isis & I made plans to go to the mall around 3or4 then go to the movies after. Study Hall was kind of refreshing, it was the first time I had to spend time with my friends in school. Although we have some classes together those class are organized into preassigned groups. I guess study hall can be sort of fun, but by no means is it a necessity especially in my schedule.  

                The school day has finally ended. My Mom called me & told me she was on a break so I went & picked her up from her the office. We got to the house & she said she had some papers to get, so I went up into my room & changed. I put on a cropped baseball tee, paired with hangover cutoff shorts from UNIF, & sporty Jeffrey Campbell platform sneakers. Then I grabed a small backpack put my essencials along with a swinsuit in the bag & ran down the stairs. My Mom told me to come into the garage.

               As I entered the hallway leading time the garage My mom blindfolded me, then lead me into the seemingly empty space. As my eyes were uncovered I was saw my father,sister & something completely unexpected. My mom placed keys into my hand the only thing that could have made this moment more real. I had received something I could not have wanted more. A car. My mom & I had talked about it in the past & we argreed that if we had money for a car, my mom would get the new car & I would get her old one. So her handing me keys to car was shocking. But it wasn't just any car it was my dream car.


      In a way it confused me because I knew my mom didn't have the money for it & since my father was there I could tell he had something to do with it. I thanked both of my parents. My mom went back to work & I was then all alone with my car. I wasn't going to the the mall until 4:30 so I had about an hour and a half with my self & my car. I hoped in, put the top down & pulled out of the garage. I headed back out to the beach where my mom & I had lunch earlier.

        The drive was freeing & it cleared my head. When I got to the beach I saw my best friends Kayla & Kaleena. The three of us spent the the whole time talking, swimming, & acting silly for lack of a better word. By the time we changed & walked to my car it was 5:00. I called my friends in a panic about my lateness.I there regular them fashion they hadn't left yet. Kayla, Kaleena, & I went to my house & changed once again. We met up with the other girls, that action began an  unforgettable, inexplicable night. Kayla, Isis, Kimberly, Kaleena, & I got to my house at 12:25㏂. As we pulled into the garage my moms car approaching the house. When we got in I handed my mom the food I bought her when we went out to dinner. The six of us stayed up till 3:40㏂ watching T.V., & eating junk food. Although today wasn't the best day it was a perfect night, a truly Happy First Day of Summer.


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