I'm panting like a dog. The pain in my side threatens to crush me. Fear and hate pulse through my veins a million miles per hour but I can't stop, I have to keep going.
I race forward and swing with all my strength but it doesn't make contact. Instead it's mighty paw flings me across the rooftop. My body stops sliding just before I'm in danger of falling off.
I wipe the blood from my eyes and push myself off the ground. Rody lines up an attack and strikes. I see the claw, the fire, about to crash into him. Everything falls into slow motion.
My feet push under me looking for some unknown speed that isn't there, that will never be there. Then there's the scream. The scream that makes my blood run cold. The scream from my worst nightmare. It was a warning, that dream. It wasn't just some nightmare it was a vision.
He falls to the ground squirming for a second before his body goes limp. No . . . No, no, no, Rody!
I scream out his name and run forward toward the body. I turn him over and hold his limp body in my arms. His side is gashed open wide and deep. He doesn't stir an inch.
His giant claw pierces my chest and I scream.
Today is the day, there is no time to waste. I must be ready for when it comes. I look around the room. Where did my chest piece go? My eyes scan the room diligently once more looking for the glint of blue metal. I always put it in the same spot but it's missing now.
The armor stand missing its piece sticks out like a sore thumb. I have to find it and quickly.
Sadly the only person up right now is me; the servants don't wake for another half mark and I need to fix this now.
How could I have been so careless? Magnus, get a hold of yourself! What was I doing last night when I last had it on?
Let's see, last I remember having it I was with Rody and I think he asked to see it.
My hand finds my chin as I walk aimlessly around the cleanly room. A brush on the dresser is off center; I fix it without really noticing and glance at the mirror. I gently brush a blue strand of hair back into place.
I was very tired last night from jousting, I must have not noticed when I didn't get it back.
I sigh and shake my head with a smile. He must still have it; I really hope he didn't do anything weird with it like using it as a dish as he did last time. I can still smell pig grease in it after the 12 times I've washed it. Rody is always so childish, it's almost as if he does it on purpose but I know that's not the case. He's too kind for that.
I force my smile away and step out into the halls as I smooth out my shirt. I feel so embarrassed, so exposed without my armor. I'm very fortunate that no one else dares to wake at such an early hour or I'd die of shame.
As I pass through the halls I can't help but stare at the beautiful paintings of kings aiding their people and large armored women marching to battle, truly a glorious sight. My heart practically jumps with determination and pride. My favorite painting stands just outside milords room. It depicts a knight dawned in blood, standing in front of their majesty, willing to die for them. That is how I wish to die. To die for milord is to die with honor and glory.
I take a deep breath and gently open the door and peer inside the dark room. His gentle breaths put me at ease. Stepping inside, I close the door behind me and light a candle on the dresser. The room is a mess as always, I'll have to clean it later but I don't mind; cleaning is calming for me.
The candlelight casts glints of light beautifully against all of the swords, platers, gauntlets and other miscellaneous metals in the room. From his bed I can see the glint of light against dark metal. Being careful not to step on anything I make my way to his bedside.
He's laying on his side completely still except for his barren shoulders slowly rising and falling. In his arms is my chest plate. I shake my head and try to stop from smiling. I shouldn't be in here let alone gaze upon milord without request, I must scold myself later.
He mumbles something softy in his slumber. He looks so innocent when he's asleep. I scoff quietly, ha! Innocent, pft!
Slowly I ease the armor from his bare arms but his right hand won't let go. Eventually I'm able to wiggle it out of his sweaty grasp. My face twists in disgust as a drop of drool drips off the helm. I roll my eyes and wipe it off with my handkerchief. Gross.
My heart jumps a meter as he rolls to the other side suddenly, facing me, and sighs. He's still asleep. I put my hand over my heart and exhale, catching my breath.
I tuck the chest plate under my arm and walk to the door. I blow out the candle and take one look behind me before I leave. So calm and unbothered, not a care in the world. I don't know if I could ever live like that, it seems too boring.
I close the door and begin my 4th mark routine.

Blue Blood
FantasyThe great kingdom of Auril; a shining hope at the edge of the sea where the great King Orion and his sprightly son Roman (Rody) rule with open arms and steady hearts. On every young prince or princess's 16 birthday they must prove themselves by taki...