Pool party

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When I wake up, I feel a lot better. I actually feel quite rested but that's weird because it's still early morning. My eyes flutter open and Rody is asleep at my side. Wait, did I sleep through the entire day!?

Sure enough, when I go outside it's even earlier than the time I was last awake. I slept for an entire day, I'm such a mess.

My stomach demands food now and luckily there is some dried fish on a rock by the fire. Rody must have made it yesterday but it's weird that no animal has eaten it yet.

I don't really care that there's flies around it or that it smells horrid, I could eat a rotting carcass right now. I eat all of it in a flash and debate if I should eat the bones or not. Would I survive? Maybe. Best not tempt fate.

After I finish eating, I decide to set some traps for small game. A squirrel trap there, a bunny trap here, and we should be eating good tonight; especially if we can go fishing where he got the water.

I open one of the canteens and gulp it all down like a fish out of water as I wipe some sweat from my brow. When I look back to my hand, it's pink. Oh yeah, blood in my hair. Maybe I should go check on Rody, just Incase.

I walk over to the tent and open the door and immediately close it blushing my head off.

"S-sorry! I-I didn't know you were . . ."

"Haha! It's okay, I don't mind. You can come in if you want?"

I blush harder and almost take him up on that offer but instead I hold myself back. I feel so . . . Dirty. It wasn't my business to see that. Ugh, I feel terrible.

I direct my face toward the wind and try to cool down. It doesn't last long though because I hear some rustling from the tent and turn around. The sun shows his shadow through the tent and all the progress I made to cool down is gone.

His frame is slim but strong. He works hard when he wants to and has gained a impressive amount of muscle for it. Honestly he could be a god and I wouldn't question it. He's just so perfect.

He exits the tent and I quickly turn around again. Where's the wind when you need it?

"So, how was your sleep?"

"Uh it was good, yeah, yeah, real good. I needed that."

He smiles and rubs his bandaged arm. "That's good, I'm glad."

". . . How's your arm?"

He stretches and sighs, "it's actually doing pretty good. Still hurts a little, but it's definitely bearable. How's your back?"

" I actually almost forgot about it."


I shrug, "I've developed a high pain tolerance."


We sit in silence for a minute, awkwardly. I try to think of something to say but I keep thinking back to what I saw and blushing. I hear one of the traps I set go off and decide to go get it. Rody follows and soon after, we have some breakfast.

With his mouth full, Rody asks, "so, do you wanna see where I got the water?"

I nod and he gets up and starts walking to the tent.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm gonna grab some clothes for after we swim. Want me to grab some for you?"


. . . . . . . . Wait. I start blushing hard again and try to remember if there's anything weird in my bag that he might see. Deep down I know that there isn't but I can't help but dwell on it.

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