I Wasn't A Part Of This!

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It was a beautiful summer day in Royal Woods, especially at the loud resident, Lori was on her phone, talking to Bobby, Leni was working on one of her dresses, Luna was jamming out with Sam, Luan was working on jokes for an upcoming birthday party, Lynn and Lincoln were outside playing Badminton, Lucy was working on a new poem, Lana and Lola were playing Princesses and Mud Monster, and Lisa was in her room, working on her latest invention.

"Just a few more here, and.... DONE!" Lisa said, she was proud of her invention, she thought nothing would go wrong, but then, she started feeling a bit weird, her stomach started to grumble. "Ohh geez  Father was right, I shouldn't have had that leftover meatloaf for dinner last night" She then look at Lily.
"youngest sibling, keep calm, I'll be right back" as soon a second could go by, Lisa dashed off to the bathroom, and locked the bathroom door.      

(5 Minutes Later...)
Lincoln and Lynn just came back from playing. "That was a good game, huh Linc!?" Lynn said energize. "How come your super energetic, even tho you lost?" Lincoln asked, usually Lynn would be mad if she loses, especially sports. "Badminton is an easy sport for you, that's why I'm going easy on you today" Lynn replied, with a smile. "Oh, ok" They both head upstairs.

"You can take a shower first, bro" Lynn smiled at her brother. "Kay, thxs sis" Lincoln thanked, and head to his room to get his clothes, towel, and loofah. As he was about to head to the bathroom, his eye caught Lisa invention. "Looks like, Lisa was working on something new." He then stepped in her and Lily room. "Linky!" Lily giggle. "Shhhh... Lily, Lisa can't know I'm in here." He then took a closers look at the Machine. "Lynn!" He yelled out his 5th older sister, as she ran to Lisa and Lily's room, "What's up Linc- woah" Lynn eyes caught Lisa invention. "Isn't this cool or what!?" Lincoln said, as he looked at the invention again, Lynn then came up close, and looked at Lisa invention. "Looks like it's a time machine" Lynn said, "How so?" Lincoln asked. Lynn then point to an area, "This proves it" Lynn said, as the two kept on looking at the amazing invention their four year old sister, just made.
"Hey Lynn, do you dare me to send us somewhere?" Lincoln asked, looking sneaky, Lynn turned her head at her younger brother, and nodded her head. The two slibings giggled, as Lincoln begun to type where they should go.

Lisa had just came out of the bathroom, she was in there for about 20 minutes, "Well, I must get back to work" as Lisa was walking to her room, she realized that one of shoe laces were undone, "Dang it.." Lisa then bent down to tie her shoe laces.

Lincoln had just finish typing, he typed "West Easten" Lincoln then turn his head to his older sister, "Lynn, do you think I should really send us here, I mean, Lisa doesn't know about it" Lincoln asked "Oh yeah, good point, maybe we shouldn't" Lynn replied, Lincoln was about to press the delete button...

"LINCOLN,LYNN!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY ROOM!!!!???" Lisa yelled out, which made both of scream, and by accident, Lincoln pressed the "Lets Go Here!" Button, which the two kids got sucked in, screaming at the top of their lungs, which left Lisa in fear, she grabbed on their hands, trying to get them before they got sucked in for good, but it was too late, which left Lisa in shock. Then Rita and Lynn senior came in "Lisa! What in the world happened?!" Rita asked her. Lisa turn her head to her parents,"I WAS NEVER HERE!!" Lisa said, and ran out of her room.

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