part 7

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"Would you like to go somewhere jojen?" Bran asked his lover one day while watching T.V. jojen looked down at him and smiled

"Sure. But where?"

"Its a surprise." Bran gave a devilish grin and ran out of the house while jojen ran after him

"BRAN!" Jojen laughed "GET BACK HERE!!"

"Catch me." Bran yelled back, jojen caught up to him and hugged him behind his back he kissed his ear

"Got you baby." He whispered bran smiled

"Look." Bran pointed at a picnic he made for the two of them. Jojen looked at it and smiled.

"Thanks bran." Joen kissed bran's cheek sweetly

"You're welcome. Now lets eat!" Bran ran and sat down and opened the basket soon jojen came and sat down with him.

After they ate it was night. Bran brought pillows and a blanket for them to lay on and looked at the stars

"Do you ever think about the future?" Bran asked

"Depends. I thought my future would be me six feet under by my father." Jojen replyed

"Well, what do you see now?" Bran looked at jojen. Jojen closed his eyes and toke a deep breath

"With you. And being very happy." He opened his eyes and looked at bran "and spending every minute with you. What about you?"

"Same thing."

Bran layed his head onto jojen's chest, jojen had his arms around bran giving him warmth

They didn't relised they had fell asleep until morning. Bran was the one to wake up

"Jojey, we fell asleep."He shoke him gently

"Oh, we did." Jojen said while rubbing his eyes,

"Do you want go home?" Bran asked, jojen smiled and held him close to his chest again

"No not now, let's stay a little bit longer please?"

Bran looked up at jojen


"I love peace and quiet. And i want you hear with me."

Bran snuggled into jojen"s chest again

"Okay..for you i will"

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