Let's Play a Game (12)

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“We’re going to be in the second ice skating rink, okay?” I told Ethan as he and Riley made their way toward the ice rink that they were supposed to be at. “If you need anything at all, we’ll be there!”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he only muttered, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him. “I’m not going to need you. I’d let the murderer get me before I called out to you for help.”

I was never going to understand why that kid hated me so much. All I could do was hope that we’d be able to get along someday, even if I didn’t have to deal with him in the future.

Johnny and I quickly made our way to the ice rink, this being our first official date, if you didn’t count the first time we had been here. Though he had to bring Sadie along with us, she didn’t want to skate, so she was sitting off to the side guarding our shoes. We could see her from the ice rink, and she seemed to be very fascinated with playing with our laces.

“I thought you said you knew how to skate,” Johnny told me with a grin when I nearly wiped out the second I got on the ice, and I bit the inside of my lip as I tried to stand up straight. “Were you lying to me, Maxynn?”

“No,” I replied defensively, which sure made it look like I had lied to him. “I did know how to skate. I just haven’t skated in a while, so I guess I kind of forgot how.”

“Well, I’ll teach you then,” he grinned, taking my hands and slowly moving us out farther onto the ice. It scared me a little, because I literally had no idea what I was doing, but I felt so much better with Johnny there with me.

When my phone started ringing in my pocket, I let out a groan and reached for it. When I saw that I was getting a call from Zach, I groaned even louder but answered it anyway.

“What?” I snapped.

“Having fun on your date?”

“What do you want?” I demanded, not in the mood to speak with him while I was on a date with my boyfriend. “I’m kind of busy right now.”

“Yeah, well…” Zach started, and I knew I wasn’t going to like this one bit. “You kind of need to come home.”

“What?” I practically screeched. “No, I’m on a date!”

“You should be watching my brother.”

You should be watching your brother!”

“I already kind of have my hands full,” Zach said now, and I could have sworn that I heard something crash. “Will you please just come home so I don’t have to deal with this monster by myself?”

“Monster?” I repeated, having no idea what he was talking about. “What the hell do you mean?”

“My mom went out shopping with her friend Cecilia or whatever,” Zach informed me, and he sounded so stressed out that it was almost funny. “And they left Cecilia’s daughter with me. I have absolutely no idea how to deal with her, and I know that you’re good with kids, so…”

“And just how am I good with kids?” I questioned, not sure if I agreed with him or not.

“Well, you haven’t killed Ethan yet.”

I let out a sigh, looking over at Johnny, who was looking at me in concern and confusion. I really wanted to stay on the date with him, but I couldn’t let Zach’s house be destroyed because he had no idea what he was doing. Then it would be the second time that I didn’t have a place to stay…

“Fine, Zach,” I finally gave in, knowing that he wasn’t going to shut the hell up until I did as he said anyway. “But what am I supposed to do about Ethan? He’s in the middle of practice, and I can’t just leave him here.”

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