Let's Play a Game (21)

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A few hours after the part had started, it was over. Only a few people stayed after most of the guests left, and none of us seemed to know what we were supposed to do.

“So…” Kate started, looking at everyone now as we all sat around the living room. “What are we supposed to do now?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, picking at a piece of cake that hadn’t been touched by anyone at the party. The cake was literally so big that I was sure I had more than half left. “Why ask me? This party wasn’t my idea.”

I sat on the couch, Johnny beside me with his arm around me. I honestly had no idea what we were supposed to do, especially when I had to leave in an hour for singing lessons. I had already skipped too many, and I knew Andie was going to think something was up if I kept skipping lessons, so I had to go this time. Even if it was my birthday.

“Hey, I know!” Kate suddenly squealed, scrambling off of Logan’s lap and hurrying into the kitchen. “I know what we can play!”

She came back out seconds later with a bottle in her hands, and I felt my stomach drop. She was not thinking what I thought she was thinking, was she?

“Let’s play spin the bottle!”

“What are we, in eighth grade?” Aveline asked, her arms crossed over her chest as she scowled and scooted closer to Zach on the couch. “Kids in middle school play spin the bottle, not kids in high school. Especially not seniors like us.”

Kate waved her away, setting the bottle on the floor in front of us. “So? There are six of us here, so it’ll be even. Sit, sit!”

Kate yanked me off the couch, and I wasn’t even about to fight the pregnant girl. No one else seemed like they were going to fight her either, and that was the smartest thing we could have done. I had already kissed two out of the three boys here, so it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal…

“Here, Aveline,” Kate said, handing the bottle to the other girl. “You can go first to get it over with.”

Aveline rolled her eyes, placing the bottle on the ground and spinning it around. We all sat there and waited for it to stop.

I wanted to groan as I waited, because we all knew who Aveline wanted to kiss. The only person she wanted was Zach, and she had a one out of three chance of doing it.

I didn’t know why it was taking so damn long. I wished that it would just stop on one of the guys so they could kiss and I could leave for my lessons.

When it finally stopped, I was surprised to see that it stopped at Logan. I would have thought that it would stop on Johnny before it stopped on Logan, but I guessed that I was wrong. This was definitely a strange turn of events.

Kate didn’t seem bothered at all that Aveline had to kiss her boyfriend, and I knew it was because it was completely obvious that Aveline wanted Zach and no one else. It was also obvious that Logan wanted Kate and no one else.

They kissed for only a second before scurrying away from each other. It was almost funny, but then I remembered that I still had the possibility of kissing Zach in front of my boyfriend for the second time.

“I’ll go next,” Kate smiled, spinning the bottle and waiting to see who it was going to land on. I didn’t want her kissing Zach, but I’d rather her than me. I already had to kiss him in the bathroom earlier that day, and it would have been even worse if I had to kiss him in front of Johnny. Having Kate kiss Zach would have been bad, but not as bad as if I would have to kiss him.

When the bottle stopped at Johnny, I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I should have known that this was what was going to happen. With my luck, this wouldn’t be the last time I had to kiss Zach in front of Johnny.

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