Welp Where Do I Start Here??

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Lenny was heartbroken for three weeks now crying over her first ex, fun right? She was attached falling for every word he ever said to her. Fighting the tears a few days after meeting someone new, but she felt a little better even though she stayed in bed. Roaming social media and talking to new people and getting back in touch with old friends. She finds a guy and follows him on Instagram thinking, "wouldn't hurt to follow him." He followers her back and messages her a few minutes later. The conversation started off great talking about music. One thing led to the next, they stayed in touch and Lenny had a crush on Andy, but she was scared. She had every right to be her ex broke up with her for petty reasons and broke her heart. Lenny and Andy got together December 21st,2017. Lenny finally felt happy. She wasn't happy in her last relationship, Lenny is the type of girl who cares for others more than herself and wears her heart on her sleeve. A "friend" of hers at the time warned her about Andy. He told her Andy would fuck her over, but Lenny thought it was all bullshit because she knew he liked her. It was already too late though and from here on out it'll be and emotional roller-coaster ride... (to be continued)

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