the flashbacks (1person pov)

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I tried to move my arm to shut off my alarm clock but i got this sering pain in my arm. Then the flashbacks of last night came back
I served him a plate of perfectly good food but he just looks at it with disgusts. He says "u burnt the food again" he raised his hand to u and u flinched as u felt the sering pain in ur left cheek. He picked up the plate and threw it at u. "I told u not to burn the food remember what happened last time" he said as he started towards u. U could smell the alcohol on him it was a stench u knew and u hated it. As he towered over u, u saw that he had a steak knife in his hand. As he slapped u and pinned u up against the wall he took the steak knife put it against ur shoulder as he dug it into ur shoulder u screamed in pain. He twisted it real slow and pulled it out. U wimpered and let the tears fall. He dropped u and draged u into to the kitchen and started to kick u in the stomache and he started to drag the kife across ur skin of ur arm and down ur legs. He soon stopped and grabbed a beer and walked away. U slowly stood up the pain sering through ur body but u manged to stand. As u walked to the bathroom to patch urself up u saw he passed out.
End of flash back
U looked in ur mirror that was hanging on ur closet door u saw the cuts all along ur body then u examind ur shoulder just to make sure it wasnt infected. Then u noticed the bruises. They were along ur abdoman to ur back. U could even see a hand mark on ur neck from when he held u in the air.
Luckly most of ur clothes hid the bruises and cuts the only thing u werent able to hide was the hand marks on ur face and neck.
U finished getting ready and ran to wake up ur little brother and got him ready then the bathroom to try to put on makeup to hide the marks. After u finished u ran down stairs to see ur dad still passed out drunk. "Thank god" u thought to urself. U grabbed an apple and grabbed ur bookbag phone and head phones then u left ur house with ur little brother and headed to the second hell that wasnt ur house but was school.
Ever since 5th grade everyone started to treat u like u were nothing. They were still bulling u and even are now beating u up. U tried to stay strong for b/n(brothes name) but it was so hard. U felt the tears start to fall as u dropped off b/n. Then u started for school.
Time skip
As u arrived at the school u saw the main bullies sitting on one of the benches. It was Mark and his gang. His gang consisted of Jack, Bob, Wade, felix, Ethan. U tried to avoid them at all cost. Luckly as u walked past them they didnt notice u because marks girlfriend and her possy showed up to greet them. None of them noticed u and u walked to ur locker. As u pulled ur bookes out of ur locker it slammed shut on one of ur hands. U tried to hold in a scream and mandged to. U look up to see who it was. It was marks gorlfriend Nancy she was taller than u and she had short dirty blonde hair and green eyes (if this is describing marks gf amy im not trying to but i dont want to write gfs into my storys alright so no hate on amy) u looked her in the eye taking out ur ear buds and put them in ur pocket. She gave u a glare and said "oh look does she finally want to stick up for herself" u just glared and shut ur locker. U tried to walk throught the nancys possy but they pushed u back.
It hurt ur shoulder to be thrown into the lockers. Nancy slaped u her possy started to kick and punch all of the bruises and u just took it cause it would be over soon enough. Just as they finished nancy took out a little blade and carved go kill urself into ur leg. U screamed in pain as she did this and once she finished the bell rang but u didnt care u walked to the restroom to get urself cleaned up. U took out a small razor blade out of ur bag and pulled up ur sleve to a arm that had scars of cuts all across from wrist to elbow. No one knew about this not even b/n u started to cut and started to cry while u felt the pain then u heard somone walk in but u didnt care.
After that u just left school all together and waited for ur brother to pick him up once his school was out u picked him up and told him that dad wasbt going to be hone today. It wasnt a lie he wasnt going to be home today he was staying at his gf u took ur brother out to eat at wendys (sorry if u dont like wendys) while u were there he took out ur phone and started to play and damce to the music and u joined him in dancing. But what u didnt know was that mark and his gang were there watching u.

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