Punk direction bios

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Edward Styles:

I'm Edward if you didn't already know that. Um well I'm 21 and my relationship status none of your concern actually :) I don't really talk to people so yeah

James Horan:

I'm James obviously if you can't read. I'm single and bisexual. But sorry babe I don't date c; pm me?

James Payne:

I'm James, the nicest one here actually. Um well I'm single and bi, but not really looking. I pretty much only talk to my best friend Savannah c: bye!

Javaad Malik:

I'm Javaad, I'm twenty one. Well if you're here to hit on me, I suggest you don't cause I'm taken by Louise. That's all.

William Tomlinson:

William is the name if you can't fucking read. Well I'm single and bisexual. But I wouldn't get so close babe, reason is because I'm a heart breaker. Well that's all just pm me sometime

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