Richard Brooke

484 32 7

As Sherlock ran up the library's steps, John stayed back to help Viviana get up the massive amount of stairs.

When they had caught up, Sherlock was already doing his little dance around the bodies while holding his pop-up magnifying glass to his eye.

Viviana stood there, gripping her walking stick tightly, listening to Sherlock's hushed words.

"So you're back, hmm?" Sargent Sally Donovan asked, now standing next to Viviana.

"Well yes." Viviana replied as if her statement was completely obvious.

"He doesn't bother you?" Sally inquired, rather shocked at the blind girl next to her. "At all?"

"No. I see it as a refresher to find someone with the same intelligence level as I have." Viviana shrugged and turned slightly to the Sargent.

"He's a freak though. It's not human to be able to tell you your entire life's story just by a few glances." Sally replied harshly.

Viviana turned all the way to face Sally, glaring at her with clouded eyes. "Only someone as incompetent as you and everyone on this force to give him such a trivial nickname. Freak? Really? Try something more creative next time. Or have you forgotten to turn your emotions back on, like you cops do to separate work from normal life? It hurts him when you call him that, you fool!" Viviana raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms under her chest. "Guess what, Ms. Donovan, I'm as much of a freak as Sherlock is. And if you think I'm going to sit quietly and take your shit, I'd get ready for more than just a simple deduction if I were you." With that, Viviana turned back to her original spot and waited for Donovan to scoff and walk away.

"Remind me not to get you angry." John chided as he stepped in front of Viviana.

Viviana laughed shortly with her mouth closed. "Not gonna be so subtle." just then, she was jerked to the side by a passing Anderson.

He grumbled something under his breath before continuing on his way.

John gave Viviana a look of concern, but it fell when she turned back to him and straightened her jacket along with a reassuring side smile.

Anderson bumped into Viviana again. "Get out of my way, you blind bat!" He shouted and straightened himself before walking over to the evidence table.

"Bite me." Viviana sneered to his retreating back.

"Viviana," John grabbed her upper arm and dragged her gently, attempting to get away from Anderson. "Don't waste your engergy on that tit."

"He's asking for a watschen." She replied.

"A what?" John asked confused.

"A watschen. It's German for a smack, or a form of discipline for children." She explained and balled up her fists. "Or in some cases a good punch in the face."

Anderson walked over to them with a greasy frown. "Move, Bat Ears."

"That's Miss. Bat Ears to you." She stepped to her left and crossed her arms again.

Once Anderson had gotten the items he needed from the table behind them, he turned to Viviana. "Why are you always in the way? You useless, saumensch!" He shouted into her face then stalked away.

"Sie können mich am Arsch du dreckiger Hurensohn essen!" Viviana snapped back and stormed off to the entrance. Everyone's eyes followed her out, but only one body ran after her.

"Viviana!" John shouted and stopped her before she could place her left foot on the top step. "Viviana, what was that?"

"Anderson was being an ass, so I decided to reciprocate the affection." Viviana pushed away John's arms and began descending the steps, John following next to her making sure she didn't fall.

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