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"So, does this place have a training room?" Robin asked, leaning against Natasha again. He came up to her chest, making him the perfect height for Natasha to hug without making it obvious. "Yeah. Why do you need a sparing room?" "It's called getting rusty. I don't want my fighting skills to look like your suit after it rains." Clint sniggered, Bruce chuckling. Thor liked this young boy.

"I'll show you to it. Besides, I'll get to see how sneaky you can be." Natasha said, pinching his cheek. Dick gently pulled away, but stayed in her arms. The two walked away, making Tony squint. "What? Not used to being the only person with jokes?" Bruce asked. "It's not that. Why hasn't Fury called yet? A wild goose chase, followed by us searching the tower frantically. Something doesn't seem right." "You think he already knows?" "That would be safe to assume, considering I'm already here."

Fury walked out from around the corner. "Hey, Fury. Want coffee?" Tony asked. "No. I want to know more about the boy who escaped from four Avengers, including but not limited to a man literally covered in technology, a super soldier, and a spy who can hear a whisper two rooms over." Fury raised an eyebrow.

"I found the kid while doing rounds. He was dazed and out off breath. He was freaked out, though, and ran. Clint found him, and found his arm injured. He led us to believe he didn't speak English, as he assumed we were enemies. Natasha managed to coax the little guy into coming with us. When we asked where his parents were, he told us they were dead. He managed to slip away, and disable Jarvis's sensors. Thor found him asleep in one of the rooms. I don't think he's from this world. He kept saying everything was outdated, and that he didn't use half the stuff we do." Tony explained calmly, eating a donut.

"And you're just letting him roam the tower?" "Natasha went with him to the training room. She likes him." "Of course she does." Fury sighed. "Why say that?" "A little boy, no older than fourteen, manages to sneak away from her. He's earned her respect, and she's fiercely loyal to people who have earned her respect." Fury groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"They're in the training room, if you want to meet him." Steve shrugged. "From what you've described, I may not be able to get within ten feet of the kid." "Can't help you there. I can only get as close as you can." Tony grumbled. "What did you do? Tried to grab the kid when I first met him. Scared him, and he ran off. Nat won't let me near the kid."

"You said they went to the training room?" "Yep. I'll come with. I've got something I want to test." Tony stood up, stretching. Fury followed, interested. If Natasha was protective enough to keep her teammates away from him, he must be special.

In the room, Natasha and Robin were sparring. They were laughing, simply playing. They weren't actually trying to fight. Dick kept slipping around, flipping over and under Natasha's swings. Fury was surprised. For a boy who had just met the Avengers, he had wormed his way into their hearts.

Dick eventually managed to slip his body around one too many times, and pinned Natasha to the floor. "I win." "Well done. I could barely keep up with you." "It's in my blood." Dick smiled, offering Natasha his hand. She took it, and he helped her stand.

"Well done. Not many people can beat Agent Romanov." Fury said, gaining their attention. Natasha pulled Robin behind her, glaring at Fury. He could tell she wanted to keep him away from the boy. Fury had been tracking down a gang recently, and had been in a foul mood. Robin seemed more than happy to hide behind her.

"I'm Director Fury. You've caused quite a commotion up in SHIELD Headquarters." "Name's Robin. Like you, I only have one I." Tony snorted, having to cover his mouth with his hand. "Amusing. I want to ask you a few questions in private." "Why can't you ask them here? Do you not trust Tony or Natasha?" "I trust them. It's you I don't trust. Not yet, anyway."

"I trust him. You can ask the questions with me there, Director." Natasha said with a hard voice, showing it really wasn't up for debate. Robin was holding onto her tightly, his face emotionless. "Very well. Come on. I'd like to do this now rather than later." Natasha followed Fury, keeping an arm around Dick's shoulders. Something was up.

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