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Natasha glared at Fury. "Like hell he isn't." "He knows too much." "He's too sick to stay here, and he'll only get worse. No one besides him knows us in his dimension. No one could harm us, even if he talked." "He is simply too powerful to leave. If no one comes after us, they will go after him." "And he won't be able to defend himself if he stays."

Robin was listening, sitting up. Natasha put a hand on his chest, but let him sit against the arm rest. He didn't look good, pale and shaking. Nevertheless, he refused to lie back down. "Fury, I've put up with a lot, but there is no way you are keeping me away from my home. I've been nothing but honest with you, and I just want to leave. Get out of your…well, you don't have hair, so out of your hands. I'm not looking for trouble."

Tony snorted again. Fury raised his phone to his ear. "Lock down the facility." "Fury, we're just trying to get him home! Why the hell can't you just let him go?" Natasha snarled, stepping closer. Dick snuck off the couch and into the vents again, feeling the air still flow. As long as he followed the map, he should be alright. Jarvis was still disabled, so Fury couldn't track him. It was hard to think at times, but he had to work through. If he could find this Strange, he could go home.

"This isn't up for discussion. He's coming with me." Fury moved to get around Natasha. She moved with him, growling. "He'd in no condition to go anywhere." "Sir, we've got visuals on Robin. He's three roofs down, heading East." "So much for him not being unwell enough to move. Take him in. Use whatever methods you have to." "Fury!" "This is not something you can argue with me about, agent Romanov. You are too attached to this."

Robin had been walking over rooftops, trying to remind himself which way was up and down, when bullets started raining down. Adrenaline kicked in, and he was able to get moving. Strange was just a few streets down, according to the files. He could make that.

A searing pain exploded in his left arm. Dick ducked into an alleyway, hiding in a doorframe. A ship flew overhead, bearing the SHIELD insignia. It flew off after a few minutes, and Dick sighed. The bullet wound was pulsing, making him feel the bullet still stuck in his arm. Dick held the wound, applying pressure to keep the blood in. Maybe this Strange was a doctor.

"Sir, Robin is injured. Took a shot to the arm. We lost him around the Shawarma place on sixth street." "Find him. Don't tell me SHIELD'S greatest agents get duped by a kid." Fury turned back around to see Natasha and Thor gone. The others stood there, angry. Bruce had turned into Hulk, growling at the one-eyed man.

Dick was sneaking through New York, getting slower every minute. The adrenaline was already starting to wear off, giving way to clouded thoughts. It was harder to apply pressure to his arm, as it took strength he didn't have. Luckily, SHIELD seemed to be in another part of the city.

Dick had gotten a block away when his legs gave out. He collapsed on the fire escape, head pounding and arm in more pain then Dick had ever felt. Footsteps were approaching him, but he didn't care. It wasn't like he could fight them off.

"Robin? Robin, wake up. It's Natasha." Natasha shook Robin's shoulders, feeling for a pulse. It was there, but weak. Robin groaned, really wanting to sleep. If Natasha was there, he was safe. "He's not doing good. We need to get him to Strange." Natasha picked the small form up, noticing with worry that his arm was indeed shot, and that there was a small gleam in the wound.

Natasha pulled out tweezers. She needed to get the bullet out. Thor held Robin's arm gently, even when the young boy started squirming. Natasha was quick to get the bullet out, but had no bandages to wrap Robin's arm with. She lifted Robin, shocked when he was lighter than before. This wasn't good. It wasn't good at all.

Thor knocked on Strange's door, glancing at the young and hurt boy. This child, no matter if he claimed to be a teen, did not deserve this treatment. He was pale, taking shaky and uneven breaths. When Strange opened the door to see two Avengers and a wounded, he simply stepped back.

Dick woke to voices, although they were soft. Someone was wrapping his arm, bandages soft against his skin. It felt too hot. As if they read his mind, someone started dabbing his forehead with a cool cloth. Dick leaned into the touch, trying to take in more of his surroundings. Whatever he was laying on was soft, so maybe a couch or a bed. He could feel sunlight on his face, but no breeze, meaning he was near a window.

"Can we use that little too even open a portal?" Natasha. Dick tried to crack his eyes open. Natasha was the big sister he always wanted. "Yes. We could do it with a drop, but the connection would be very unstable. Those is the perfect amount to get him through and get whoever takes him over back in perfect condition." "What about the magic in his arm? The one causing his condition." "I've started something similar to a magical disinfectant. It'll get rid of the magic, so this doesn't happen if he returns."

Dick managed to crack his eyes open, finding himself on a couch. Natasha was dabbing his forehead with the cool cloth, which felt like heaven. There was another man wrapping his arm, one he hadn't seen before. This must be Strange. Dick could see stitches on the part of his arm not yet wrapped. They looked professional.

"Hello, Robin. We're talking care of your arm, then we're talking you home." Natasha said softly, brushing some hair back from his forehead. Dick nodded, feeling slightly stronger. "Fury?" "Doesn't know where you are." "What about you? You'll be in trouble once I'm gone." We'll be fine. You're not the only one who can hide." "I don't want you to hide." "It'll be alright. I won't hide forever. No more than a month."

Strange tied the bandages, setting Robin's arm down. "Natasha, do you want to carry him?" Natasha nodded, removing the cool washcloth and picking up the weak boy. Dick leaned into Natasha. "Wait." Dick croaked, making his decision. Natasha set him back down on the couch, kneeling beside him.

Dick reached up and pulled his mask off, revealing bright blue eyes that reeked of exhaustion. "My name is Richard Grayson. My friends call me Dick." "Let's get you home, Dick. Your family misses you." Dick replaced the mask as Natasha picked him up again.

Strange handed him a ring. "This is a window to our world. You will be able to keep in touch with Natasha, and return if you wish. This will open a portal to your world if you ever get stuck again. Consider it a get well gift." "Thank you. For everything." Dick yawned, slipping the ring into his belt. Strange opened the portal, and Natasha took Robin through. It was time he went home.

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