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Angelica scanned the bustling cafeteria in search of Alex, her boyfriend, and asked me, "So, who's your date for homecoming? It's your senior year; you need to have a date."

I responded nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't believe having a date for homecoming was necessary. However, for people like Angelica, it seemed to be a mandatory requirement. According to her, it was for my reputation. I personally didn't see how that mattered. With or without a date, I would still be part of the popular crowd at our school.

"I don't have a date, and I don't think I'm going," I replied.

"Why?" Angelica looked at me, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "It's senior year," she emphasized again, as if it held great significance. To me, it was just like any other year, except for the fact that I would be graduating.

"I know," I sighed, taking a bite of my sandwich. "It's just that you're going with Axel, and Zane has a girlfriend. I don't want to be the third wheel."

"You are Zane's priority," Angelica stated, rolling her eyes at her own statement. "He would never make you feel like a third wheel."

"Have you even met his girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically. "She's super-duper nice."

"She's not nice, got it," Angelica replied, her attention suddenly drawn to the three guys entering the cafeteria. All eyes, including the cafeteria staff, were on them.

Zane Shaw, Alex King, and Ivan Preston approached our table, their confident smirks ever-present. We were all labeled as the popular kids, solely based on our wealth, intelligence, and good looks.

Personally, I didn't pay much attention to labels and interacted with everyone at school.

"Is it just me, or does Alex get hotter every damn day?" Angelica swooned, her gaze fixated on Axel as she licked her bottom lip. "Anyways, I don't understand why you've been friend-zoning Zane for so long. He's quite a catch."

"Shh," I rolled my eyes at Angelica's comment. She didn't understand how strict my parents were. Unlike her easygoing parents, my father and brother had an immense trust in Zane. So, we could only remain friends. I had already explained this to Angelica countless times this week, yet she continued to pester me about Zane, despite his current relationship.

"But isn't he attractive?"

"Yes, and he's my best friend." I quickly cleared the table to make room for the boys to place their lunch.

"Hey," Zane greeted, giving me a side hug and flashing one of his irresistible smiles. The kind of smile that could make any girl weak at the knees.

"Hi," I replied, planting a peck on his cheek. "Where have you been?"

He took a bite of his burger. "We had a little meeting, the boys and I. Are you coming to the billionaire boys club tonight?"

"Yeah, I suppose so. Only if you come to pick me up."

"Of course. Are your dad and brother still strict even now that you're a senior?" Zane chuckled, playfully nudging my sides.

"Yup. You know them and their ways."

Zane laughed and shook his head. "I can't believe they even let me be friends with you. They practically disapprove of any guy who comes near you."

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