I won't give up on you

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Gomez's second treatment was today and Morticia begged him to let her go.
"Gomez please let me go with you I want to be there so I can hear what the doctors say." Morticia pleaded but Gomez refused. "No Querdia I need to go by myself." He said as he was walking towards the door she raced and got in the car before him.
Gomez and Morticia went into the doctors office and shook his hand.
"I wish we could've met on better terms but it's great to meet you Mrs.Addams." Morticia nodded as the doctor continued, "there's bad news your cancer has gotten worse it's in its 3rd stage so we have to up the chemo treatment which also means you will start to really feel the side effects." The doctor frowned.
Gomez got up and slammed the door as Morticia cried.
"I'm so sorry Mrs.Addams." The doctor said
She was barely audible through the sobs as she went to go find Gomez. He was outside on a bench staring with tears falling as she sat next to him.
"Gomez..." she started.
"No don't say a thing I don't want to hear you say that I'm going to live because I'm going to die face it there is no survival I should have the doctors kill me now!" Gomez shouted at her she got up and slapped him in the face.
"Don't you dare say that you are not going to die I need you alive we need you alive." She broke down and sobbed. Lurch pulled up the car and the ride home was silent. Gomez knew from there it was never going to happen he's never going to see his child's birth.

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