Baby Names ❤️💞

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Gomez and Morticia finally got some alone time it was what they needed. They laid together in each others embrace it was rare with everything going on that they would be like this. They looked into each others eyes and kissed today they were going to decide what the baby's name was going to be.
"Gomez darling are you excited to see what we are going to name the baby?" She smiled
"Yes Querdia I am very excited wow I haven't seen you smile in a while I forgot how beautiful you are smiling." He smiled as well it was in this rare moment that they were both happy about a baby. In the living room the whole family were debating on what to call the baby it was either between Morrigan or Annalece . On team Morrigan there's:Gomez, Uncle Fester,and mama. Team Annalece there's:Morticia, Wedseday, Pugsley, Lurch,and thing.
"Well what are we going to do we have to decide a name and the whole house is divided." Mama said.
Morticia sighed as she sat in her chair unable to decide what to do about the name of her baby.
"I think it should be mother and father's decision without our opinions." Pugsley suggested.
"Capital idea Pugsley!" Gomez said raising his finger.
"So Querdia we are on opposite teams so I propose a solution that we combine the names Annalece Morrigan Addams!" He exclaimed
"It's perfect." She said
They smiled the whole family was happy!
———————————— Authors note 👋💁‍♀️
Ok sadly this is the end of the fluff but there will be more to come! Next chapter treatment day 3
I hope that you enjoyed this chapter

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