Chapter 1: Meeting the family

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I like to thanks the few people who reading my story, so like I promise I continue on to the next chapter. Now that I drank about three cups of coffee and wat a honey bun. I can't sleep :D yay for me! Now onto the story before the narrator figure out how to unmute himself!

Timeskip: ~~ next week ~~


~~ a few month later ~~

"im sooooo bored."

I whined mentally as I lay in the blue crib trying to swat at the floating rings with stuff animal swirling in a circle using my baby hands. I found out my parents were nice bakers by the delicious aroma that carry around the house.

I drool at the thought of growing up and eating their sweets, but a last my pacifier will work for me and my poor gum aches. I figured out I was premature baby since I was born wayyy before a baby should be, I think born at 6 months and my parents are mother henning me like as if I can break by a simple touch.

"being a baby sucks, though it pretty neat." I said as I attempted to squirm twirling my body to lay on my belly, sucking on the pacifier in my mouth to sooth the aching of my baby gums.

"i must figure out how to get out of this thing." I look around with my limit vision only seeing as far enough to see the crib's bars as I struggle and fail to stand using the bars, ploping to the bed and laying onto my belly again, accidentally spitting out my pacifier must to my horror..

My pacifier fell out the crib and to the floor.

"Noooooo!!! My source of relief from this pain."

.. "w-wahhhhhhh"

I try my best not to cry, but let me tell you. I'm a freaking baby! I was horrible at holding in emotions as I started to wail with large drop of tear forming and dropping from my small face. I can feel the ache in my gum as I cry more.

I wasn't aware of footsteps rushing over til my mother came to check up on me.

'aww, what wrong my little jelly?' I can hear my mother speak as she went and pick me up carefully. She attempt to soothe me by rocking me a bit.

I try not to cry, but the pain. Ohhh the pain, it hurt so much. I'm not being dramatic, but I found out baby are alot more sensitive to feelings and awareness. It seem to dull down once you get older, but now it was torture, no wonder babies cries alot.

'oh you drop your binky, dear?' I hear my mother said as she lean down and pick up the my heaven.

"mother, do you know how much I love you right now?" I continue to cry a bit more as I rubs my little hand to little eyes.

I lay my little head on my mother shoulder as I sniffles, crying a bit on her shoulder. I can hear sound of water being rush and mentally smiling knowing that my mom was cleaning my precious binky.

"wow, never thought I can say that.. oh God I'm thinking like a baby now. No! Must resist the baby thoughts. Think of something! Uhh.. comics! Games! Oh God I miss game-" ( author: you need to relax. ^^')

I snap out of my thoughts as my mother place the now cold pacifier in my mouth. I sucks onto my precious, feeling the coldness soothing my gums.

My Mother a god, I tell you that now. She take care of me very well along with my Father, though it fun to see my Father wearing a gas mask whenever he change my diapers.

"this is the life." I thought as I cling onto my mother's shoulder snuggling next to her neck and soft hair, sucking onto my pacifier. Now don't make fun of me. I don't care if I'm a momma's boy. She is my mother, the second women who birth me. I do miss my mom from my past life even though she didn't care much for me or my brothers, but now I have to move on, though I'll miss my little brothers and my dad. That enough of my past life.

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