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"What about this one?" Grace asked, walking out of the dressing room, wearing the 5 dress today.

"Oh my gosh, it's perfect" Mahogany and Lexi gasped at the same time.

"What do you think Grace?" She turned to me.

"You look perfect in everything, but that dress is amazayn!" I laughed.

She smiled wide and went back into the changing room, coming back out in her normal clothes, with the dress drapes over her right arm.

The dress was long, went down to the floor. It was bunched up on one side, and strapless with little pink flowers, the perfect dress for her.

The bridesmaids already had their dresses, just above the knee, strapless, and the same light pink as the flowers.

She paid for the dressed and we left.

"I'm going to go exploring with Jc now, do you and Taylor want to come?" I asked, hoping she would.

"Sure, but I have to drop these dresses up" she said, re adjusting the dresses stacked on her arm.

I nodded and texted Taylor for her.

I hugged her goodbye and texted Jc, sitting on a bench outside of the shop.

Taylor arrived and picked up Grace, followed by Jc a few minutes later.

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